16 ["tempting him" is omitted.]

17 ["hypocrites" is omitted ; so R. V., "ye know how to discern the face of the heavens; but ye cannot discern the signs of the times." The last clause is not a question.-R.]

18 Chap. xvi. 1-4.

19 Mark viii. 12.

20 Matt. xv. 26.

21 [See ahove, note 10. Were the sentenace a question, it would imply an affirmative answer, but it is plainly implied that they could not discern the signs of the tirnes.-R.]

22 Matt. xxiv. 29.

23 Matt. xxiv. 27.

24 Is. xlii. 2.

25 Ps. lxxii. 6. [LXX.]

26 Matt. xvi. 5, 6.

27 Matt. xvi. 7. [R. V., "We took no bread ;" o#ti being recitantis.]

28 Matt. xiv. 8. [R. V., "because ye have no bread ?" Chrysostom agrees with the rec. text.-R.]

29 Mark viii. 17.18.

30 Matt. xvi. 9, 10.

31 [Both the citations are from Matthew, but probably the former occasion referred to is that narrated in Matt. xv. 16, 17 -.R.]

32 Matt. xvi. 11. [See R. V., for a different reading.]2.

33 Matt. xiv. 12.

34 [Some Mss. insert filotimi/aaj kai\, "from ambition and want of faith." It is lextio diffxilior, but not accepted by Field.-R.]

35 Gen. xii. 1.

36 2 Cor. i. 4.

37 2 Kings xx. 3.

38 2 Tim. iv. 7.

39 Gal. iv. 14, 15.

40 Rom. xvi. 4.

1 [R. V. "came into the parts," etc.]

2 [R. V. text, "who do men say that the Son of Man is?" But Chrysostom. with the rec. text, reads me. So R. V. margin, "that I the Son of Man am," as in the p arallel passages.-R.]

3 [The A. V. is ungrammatical; "whom" is simply a transfer of the Greek accusative (with the infinitive in the passage) into the English finite clause.-R.]

4 i. e. His Incarnation.

5 John iii. 13.

6 John vi. 62.7.

7 Matt. xvi. 14.

8 Matt xvi. 15.

9 Matt. xiv. 2.

10 o9 kiru/ai=oj.

11 Matt. xvi. 16.

12 Matt. xvi. 17.

13 Matt. xiv. 33.

14 John i. 49.

15 John l. 50.

16 e0nhxh/santa.

17 Matt. xi. 27; Luke x. 22.

18 Matt. xvi. 17, 18 see John 1. 42.

19 Matt. xvi. 18.

20 [R. V., "Hades." ]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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