56 Sozom. V. 14; Theodoret, Hoeret. Fabul. IV.

57 II. 10. 39.

58 Chap. 1.

59 basilikh. On the origin and history of the term, see Bennett, Christian Archoeology, pp. 157-163. The special basilica meant here was situated, according to Valesius, in the fourth precinct, and alone called basilikh, or `cathedral 0' without qualification. The `Theodosian cathedral 0' was situated in the seventh ward.

60 Cf. John i. 46, and Acts ii. 7. Later the word was used by the heathen also, contemptuously, as a term of reproach.

61 Chap. 16.

62 Based, probably, on Matt. xxvi. 52, and John xviii. 11.

63 zwnhn apetiqento; literally, `put off their girdle, 0' as the badge of office.

64 The term was used first by traveling teachers of rhetoric at the time of the philosopher Socrates as descriptive of their profession; and although it later acquired an unfavorable significance, it continued to be used also as a professional name given to teachers of rhetoric, as here.

65 Cf. Tertull. Apol. IX. `In the bosom of Africa infants were publicly sacrificed to Saturn, even to the days of a proconsul under Tiberius, 0' &c.

66 Cf. Sozom. V. 18; also above, II. 46.

67 Chap. 21.

68 Col. i. 26.

69 Rom. i. 18-21.

70 On this extra-Scriptural saying attributed to Jesus Christ, see n. 54, Introd, p. xi.

71 1 Thess. v. 21.

72 Col. ii. 8.

73 Tit. i. 12.

74 Cf. Theophrastus, VII. x. and Diogenes Laertius, I. x. The latter gives a list of Epimenides' works,but makes no mention of any `Oracles. 0' Socrates must have used this term in a more general sense therefore, and meant some collection of obscure and mystical writings. He also calls Epimenides an `Initiator, 0' because, according to the testimony of Theophrastus, he was versed particularly in lustration and coruscation.

75 Acts xvii. 28.

76 Fabricius, Bibl. Groec. II. p. 451 seq.

77 1 Cor. xv. 33.

78 Menander, and not Euripides, is the only author to whom this line can be traced (see Tertull. ad Uxor. 1. 8, and Meineke, Fragm. Comic. Groee. Vol. IV. p. 132), but it may have been a popular proverb, or even originally a Composition of Euripides, which Menander simply used.

79 metaboleij. Cf. metabolh, used to designate all merchandising, Julius Pollux, III. 25; hence metaboleuj, a `retailer, 0' `small merchant. 0'

80 Hence Gregory of Nazianus calls him kausitauroj, `a burner of bulls. 0'

81 See Euseb. H. E. VI. 20 and 39; also Chrysostom, de S. Babyl. According to these authorities Babylas was bishop of Antioch, succeeding Sabrinus, and was beheaded in prison during the reign of Decius. His remains were transferred to a church built over against the temple of Apollo of Daphne (Sozom. V. 19) by Gallus, Julian's brother.

82 Ps. xcvi. 7 (LXX).

83 Matt. xxiv. 2, Matt. xxiv. 15.

84 Rom. xi. 25; 2 Cor. iii. 14.

85 metenswmatwsewj, lit. `exchange of bodies, 0' formed in analogy with metemyuxwsij and logically inseparable from that doctrine.

86 Theodoret, H. E. III. 25, gives the familiar version of the death of Julian, according to which, on perceiving the character of his wound, the dying emperor filled his hand with blood and threw it up into the air, crying, `Galilean, thou hast overcome! 0'

87 363 a.d.

88 See above, chap. 13.

89 So the mss. and Bright. The same reading was also before Epiphanius Scholasticus and Nicephorus; but Valesius conjecturally amends the reading touj Surouj thj arxhj into touj orouj thj arxhj, alleging that Socrates himself later mentions the loss as zhmian twn orwn. If the reading of Valesius be considered correct, then we must translate `submitting to the loss of the borders, 0' supplying `of the empire. 0' This would include the districts beyond the Tigris.

90 Liban. Orat. xviii. (Opera, i. Reiske).

91 Porphyry. See above, I. 9.

92 In his Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus, and Apology of Socrates. See also Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates and Symposium.

93 Marcus Aurelius.

94 Gregor. Nazianz. Orat. V. 23.

95 Euripid. Fragm.

96 Probably Socrates means Origen's lost work, known as Stromata, which Jerome (in his Ep. ad Magnum) says was written to show the harmony of the Christian doctrines and the teachings of the philosophers. The description here given does not tally more precisely with any other work of Origen now extant.

97 Cyril, Contra Julian. III. (p. 93, ed. Spanheim).

98 Julian, Orat. VII.

99 Liban. Orat. XVIII. (Oper. I. 625, Reiske).

100 paredreuta, term applied to associates on the bench in judicatories.

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