101 Isa. vii. 9 (LXX, kai ean mh pisteushte, oude mh sunhte).
102 For a full account of Antinoüs and his relations to Hadrian, see Smith, Dict. of Greek and Raman Biogr. and Mythol., article Antinoüs. The story has been put into literary fiction in the historical novels Antinoüs, by George Taylor (A. Hausrath), and The Emperor, by Georg Ebers.
103 It is uncertain what the true reading should be here. In one of the mss. it is 'Adriaj, in another 'Andriaj; according to others 'Adrianoj, or 'Arrianoj. Valesius suggests the substitution of Loukianoj. If this be adopted, then the Alexander suggested is Lucian's Alexander of Abonoteichus. For a lucid and suggestive reproduction of this story, see Froude, Short Studies on Great Subjects, essay on Lucian.
104 The mss. and all the Greek texts read Zhnwn, making the name `Pasinicus Zenon, or Zeno.0' The translation here given assumes the alteration in the process of transcription of a single letter making the original Zhlwn, which probably means the city of Zeleia, on the southeastern coast of the Euxine, famous for a victory of Mithridates over Triarius, the lieutenant of Lucullus, in 67 b.c.
105 This word, whose original is Cenon, is inserted by Valesius. If it were omitted, the translation would be, `which to some seems acceptable.0'
106 On the present borders of Turkey and Persia.
107 According to Valesius Hippi.
108 The name of this city is variously given as Archis, Arca, Arcae, Arcas, Arcaea, Arcena. It lies at the foot of Mount Lebanon. See Joseph. Antiq. V. 1 and de Bello, XII. 13.
109 Themist. Orat. V. (p. 80, ed. Harduin).
110 Straits between Eubaea and the mainland.
5 Cf. II. 37. Six years previous to the point of time reached by the historian thus far; i.e. 359 a.d.
8 Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum, XXVI. ix. 8-10, says that Florentius and Barchalba, after the fight at Nacolia, delivered Procopius bound to Valens, and that Procopius was immediately beheaded, and Florentius and Barchalba soon underwent the same punishment. Philostorgius also (IX.) relates that Procopius was beheaded, and that Florentius, who delivered him to Valens, was burnt.
11 Sozom. VI. 8, gives the same account; but Philostorgius (V. 3) and Theodoret (H. E. II. 37 and 39) say that Eunomius was made bishop of Cyzicus under the Emperor Constantius immediately after the Synod of Seleucia. He was banished by Valens because he favored the usurper Procopius.
12 sxolaioj, defined by Sophocles (Greek Lexicon of the Rom. and Byzantine Periods) as suspended. It appears, however, that among the civil and military officers in the Roman system there were some who bore the title without being concerned in the management of their offices, and that these were termed vacantes and therefore that Socrates is using the Greek equivalent of a Latin term and applying it in ecclesiastical matters as its original was applied in civil and military affairs. Cf., on the position of bishops without churches Bingham, Christ. Antiq. IV. ii. 14. This system of clerics without charges was abused so much that the Council of Chalcedon (Canon 6) forbade further ordination sine titulo.
13 See chap. 3, and on the Eunomians with their subsequent fortunes, V. 24.
14 Ammianus Marcellinus (Rerum Gestarum XXVI. viii. 2 seq.) says, `From the walls of Chalcedon they uttered reproaches to him and insultingly reviled him as Sabaiarius. For, sabaia is a poor drink made of wheat or barley in Illyricum (whence Valens came).0' On the Pannonian or Illyrian origin of Valens, see IV. I. It appears also that the Pannonians were accustomed to live on poor diet in general.
15 Sozom. VIII. 21, mentions these baths. Am. Marcellinus (Rerum. Gestarum, XXXI. I. 4) relates that Valens built a bath out of the stones of the walls of Chalcedon. So also Themist. Orat. Decen. ad Valentem, and Gregory Nazianzen, Orat. 25; the latter calls it a `subterraneous and aerial river.0' Zonaras and Cedrenus, however, affirm that the structure built was not a bath, but an aque duct. Cf. Cedrenus, I. 543 (P. 310, B).
16 Cedrenus, I. 543 (P. 310, B).
19 Am. Marcellinus (Rerum Gestarum, XXVI. 4. 14), in speaking of Procopius, the usurper, says: `Procopius ...resorted to the Anastasian baths, named from the sister of Constantine0'; from which it appears that either (1) there were two baths of the same name, or (2) the baths here alluded to were named after Constantine's sister and renamed on the occasion of their being repaired or altered, or (3) that Socrates is in error. From the improbabilities connected with (I) and (2) we may infer that (3) is the right view.
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