23 From his life by George, bishop of Laodicea. Cf. Soc. ii. 9.
24 Soc. also quotes him (ii. 9), and says he wrote an Encomium of Eusebius Emesenus, ii. 24.
28 Athan. Ep. Encyc. 2-7; Apol. cont. Arian. 30; Hist. Arian. 10-14, 57, 74: Soc. ii. 11.
29 Soc. ii. 11-14; Athan. Apol. cont. Arian. 22.
30 Cf. Am. Marcel. xiv. 10. 2.
31 Soc. ii. 14. Cf. Philost. iii. 3.
32 Apol. cont. Arian. 20-35; Soc. ii. 15. Soz. is more extended than Soc.
33 From Sabinus? Cf. Soc. ii. 15.
34 Soc. ii. 16, 17; Athan. Hist. Arian. 7; and Apol. de fuga sua, 3, 6-8. Cf. Theodoret, H. E. ii. 5.
35 Athan. Apol. cont. Arian. 3-19.
36 Id. 20-35, 36; Soc. ii. 17, 18. Soz. gives more points. Soc. accuses Sabinus of omitting the Julian letters.
37 Athan. de Synodis, 25, and given in full by Soc. ii. 18.
38 Athan. de Synodis, 26, in ten heads, and given by Soc. ii. 19, and with like introduction.
39 For the whole section, Soc. ii. 19, 20; Athan. de Synodis, 26. Cf. Hil. Frag. ii. and iii.; Sulp. Sev. H. S. ii. 36.
40 Soc. ii. 20, but Soz. has other details.
41 He was bishop of Naïssus in Moesia Superior.
42 This section concerning the Synod of the Eastern bishops is probably from Sabinus. Cf. Hil. Frag. iii.
43 Athan. Apol. cont. Arian. 36-50; Hil. Frag. ii. and iii.; Soc. ii. 20, 22. Cf. Sulp. Sev. H. S. ii. 36. Soz. used the same source as Soc., but independently.
44 This letter is in Athan. Apol. cont. Arian. 44-49; and cf. Theod. H. E. ii. 8; Hil. Frag. ii.
45 This epistle is nowhere extant. Gúldenpenning suggests Sabinus as the source, but hardly from the statement which Socrates makes as to Sabinian partiality.
46 a.d. 347-8. But a.d. 344 is probably the true date.
47 So Soc.; but Theodoret says 250, ii. 7.
48 Soc. ii. 22. The rest of the chapter is marked by an independent survey of the division.
49 This chapter is made up from a great variety of sources, as well as personal observation. Prominent among these are Ruf. H. M. and H. E.; Pall. H. L.; Syrian biographies; Ephraim Syrus, Vita Juliani; Athan. Vita Antonii; Timotheus' collection of monastic biography, mentioned in Soz. vi. 29; Hieron. de vir. illust.; Evagrius Ponticus, Gnosticus; Philippus of Side, Historia Christiana; Sulp. Sev. de Vita Martini.
50 See the Collection of Regulae and Precepts, as translated by Hieron. ii. p. 66 sqq.
51 According to Hieronymus, Vita Hilaronis, 2, Hilarion was born in the village of Thabatha, which is about five miles from Gaza; Thebasa, according to Niceph. ix. 15.
52 See below, chap. 16, and vi. 34.
55 Ruf H. E. ii. 7; i. 30, 31; Soc. iv. 25; iii. 10; ii. 35; Hieron. de vir. illust. c. cix.
56 He alludes to the treatises of Hilary against the Arians and Auxentius, and against Constantius.
57 That, namely, of the Luciferians. Cf. Soc. iii. 9.
58 Cf. Soc. ii. 35; Philost. iii. 15-20; supplementa from Phot. cod. 40; fragmenta from Suidas, s.v.
59 See below, vi. 34. This chapter is independent. Theod. iv. 29 has Soz. before him, and possibly also the same original. Cf. Hieron. de vir. illust. cxv.
61 This chapter is an independent view, and also groups the laws under Constantius. Cf. Cod. Theod.
62 dhmosion oikethn einai. The early interpreters understood these words as referring to the Jewish offender, and not to the slave. But the law itself is extant in Cod. Theod. xvi. 91, 2, and is entitled Ne Christianum Mancipium Judaeus habeat. The second law begins: Si aliquis Judaeorum, mancipium sectae alterius seu nationis crediderit comparandum, mancipium fisco protenus vindicetur.
63 An independent survey of the imperial and clerical views.
64 An independent chapter on the true cause of division and the origin of the council of Ariminum. Cf. Athan. Ep. de Synodis.
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