21 Gen. iii. 19.

22 Wisdom vii. 6.

23 The virtues specified are (i) eleuqeria; (ii) misoponhria; and (iii) praothj.

The more classical Greek for eleuqeria, the character of the eleuqeroj, was eleuqeriothj, eleuqeria being used for freedom, or license; Vide Arist. Eth. Nic. iv. 1.

The misoponhroj is a hater of knavery, as in Dem. 584, 12.

On the high character of the praoj cf. Aristotle. Eth. Nic. iv. 5. and Archbp. Trench, synonyms of the N. T. p. 148.

24 I. Cor. ii. 9.

25 I. Thess. iv. 13.

26 Ps. cxlvi. 9.

27 Isaiah xlix. 15.

28 i.e. confinement to the limits of his own diocese by the decree of March, 440.

29 cf. note on p. 261. Nothing is known of this Silvanus.

30 Gen. ii. 24.

31 Job i. 21.

32 cf. Epp. iii, xii, and xxxv.

33 Homer II. xvi. iii. kakon kakw esthrikto. For Theodoret's knowledge of Homer cf. pp. 104 and 258.

34 I. Cor. x. 13.

35 I. Sam. xvii.

36 Judges xv. 16.

37 This letter appears to be written shortly before the meeting of the Robber Synod in 449.

38 Gen. ii. 24.

39 Gen. iii. 19.

40 On praothj vide note on p. 254.

41 Rom. viii. 18.

42 Rom. viii. 35. Rom. viii. 36.

43 Rom. viii. 37.

44 Rom. viii. 38. Rom. viii. 39.

45 erwtoj. The use of this word in this connexion is in contrast with the spirit of the writers of the N. T., in which erwj and its correlatives never appear.

46 Apol. Soc. xviii. eme men gar ouden an blayeien oute Melhtoj oute !Anutoj, oude gar an dunaito.

47 I.e. Demosthenes who belonged to Paeania a demus of Attica on the eastern slope of Hymettus, and so was called o IIaianeuj.

48 Demosth. de Cor. 258.

The sentiment finds various expression in ancient writerse.g. Euripides, in a fragment of the lost "Aegeus,"

and Propertius El. III. 10.

Mors tamen inclusum protrahit inde caput."

49 Thucydides II. lxiv. 3. ferein te xrh ta te daimonia anagkaiwj, ta te apo twn polemiwn andreiwj.

The quotation is from the speech of Pericles to the Athenians in b.c. 430 in which he encourages and soothes them under adversity.

50 Homer Od. xx. 17. (Chapman's Translation.) cf. notes on pp. 104, 255, 258, 259, and 260.

51 Garnerius dates this letter in Sept. or Oct., 449.

52 Nothing more seems to be known either of Ulpianus or of this Athanasius.

53 Areobindas was consul in 434, and died, according to Marcellinus, in 449.

54 Hom. II. VI. 484, cf. quotations from Homer pp. 104, 255, 258, 259, 260.

55 It is to Andreas of Samosata that Theodoret addressed the famous letter on the errors of Cyril numbered 162. He is mentioned by Athanasius Sinaita.

56 Prov. xxvii. 1.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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