114 Gen. xxxi. 39.

115 1 Tim. ii. 4.

116 Baruch iii. 38.

117 On the persecution in Persia see page 157.

118 Luke xxii. 31.

119 I. Cor. xii. 26.

120 Eph. iv. 25.

121 Col. i. 18.

122 John x, 12, John x, 13, John x, 11.

123 Heb. xi. 37, Heb. xi. 38.

124 I. Cor. x. 13.

125 Gal. iv. 19.

126 II. Cor. ii. 7.

127 II. Cor. ii. 11.

128 Psalm xl. 2 and Psalm xl. 3.

129 Ps. xl. 3.

130 "It is noticeable that with systematic discipline as to the persons taught, there was no order of teachers. It was part of the pastoral office to watch over the souls of those who were seeking admission to the Church, as well as those who were in it, and thus bishops, priests, deacons, or readers might all of them be found, when occasion required, doing the work of a Catechist. The Doctor Audientium of whom Cyprian speaks, was a Lector in the Church of Carthage. Augustine's Treatise de Catechizandis Rudibus, was addressed to Deogratias as a deacon; the Catecheses of Cyril of Jerusalem were delivered by him partly as a deacon, partly asa presbyter. The word catechist implies accordingly a function, not a class." Dean Plumptre in Dict. Christ. Ant. i. 319.

131 Cf. I. Cor. iv. 17 and I. Thess. iii. 2.

132 Gen. xxxi. 40. Gen. xxxi. 38. Gen. xxxi. 39.

133 Ezekiel xxxiv. 2, and cf. Ezekiel xxxiv. 17.

134 Cf. Ezekiel iii. 17, Ezekiel iii. 18. Quotations are apparently from memory.

135 Matt. xxv. 26, Matt. xxv. 27.

136 Lamentations iii. 25.

137 II. Cor. xii. 9.

138 I. Thess. v. 14.

139 Ezekiel 33. 1.

140 Rom. xvi. 20.

141 Mark iv. 39.

142 These letters on the Persian persecution might be placed anywhere while it lasted c. 420-450. Garnerius suggests 443. Eulalius and Eusebius are unknown.


144 This edict of Theodosius is dated by Tillemont March 30, 449. Theodoret received the order for his relegation to Cyrus while he was at Antioch, and at once submitted.

145 The allusion appears to be to the edict of Feb. 448, ordering the deposition of Theodoret's friend Irenaeus bishop of Tyre, on the ground of his being a digamus and a heretic. Irenaeus was degraded from the priesthood and forbidden to appear in Tyre. cf. Epp. III. XII. XVI. XXXV.

146 Acts v. 29.

147 Romans xiv. 10.

148 Vide Letter LVII.

149 This brings us to about the year 423, when Theodoret was consecrated bishop at the approximate age of 30, after passing seven years in the monastery of Nicerte, three miles from Apamea, and one hundred and twenty from Cyrus. Cf. Ep. CXIX.

150 Cf. Letter LVIII. Nomus was an influential officer of Theodosius II., being "Magister Officiorum" in 443, consul in 445 and patrician in 449. A friend of Dioscorus, he opposed Theodoret and was instrumental in procuring the decree which confined the bishop to his diocese in 449.

151 Acts xxv, 16. Observe the variations in the citation.

152 Cf. note on page 276.

153 II. Tim. iii. 12.

154 Eusebius was present at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 Mansi vi. 565 c. See also Letter CIX. A Latin translation of this letter is in Baronius ann. 443.

155 The works mentioned are (a) those on the Octateuch, the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, the Psalms, Can-ticles, and the Prophets; (b) on the xiv Epp. of St. Paul, including the Hebrews; the Dialogues, and the Hoereticarum Fabularum Compendium: (g) XII Books on the mysteries of the Faith; (e) the "de Providentia;" (z) on the Questions of the Magi, and (h) the Religious History. Of these (g) and (z) are lost.

156 Ex. xxiii. 1, lxx. and marg.

157 Domnus succeeded his Uncle John at Antioch in 441.

158 II. Cor. xii. 11.

159 The first formal insertion of the addition filloque is said to be in a Creed put forth at a council of Toledo about a.d. 400. At the third council of Toledo a.d. 589, the Nicaeno-Constantinopolitan Creed was promulgated with the addition - "ex Ppatre et Filio procedentem."

160 Heb. i. 3.

161 Rom. ix. 5.

162 Rom. i. 3, Rom. i. 4.

163 cf. note on page 213.

164 Eph. iv. 5.

165 I. Cor. viii. 6.

166 Heb. xiii. 8.

167 Ephes. iv. 10.

168 John i. 14.

169 John i. 15.

170 John xx. 28.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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