209 "Fuit vero antigrafeuj apud Graecos quem Galli vocant Contrôleur général des finances." Garnerius.
212 Cf. Letter LXXXV. There seems nothing to indicate whether this Basil is Basil of Seleucia or Basil of Trajanopolis, both of whom were present at the Latrocinium and took part against Theodoret. Garnerius refers it to the former, a time-server of the court.
213 Matt. xviii. 10 and Matt. xviii. 6.
217 Isaiah xxxiii. 15. Observe the inversion.
218 Cf. Letter LXXIII. Apollonius was "comes sacrarum largitionum" in 436.
219 Cf. Letters XI. and LXXXXVI. This letter may probably be placed between the sentence of internement and the assembling of the Latrocinium.
229 Disciple of Marcellus. cf. Soc. ii. 30. Theodoret, in his interpretation of the Ep. to the Hebrews, links him with Sabellius. (Ed. Migne. iii. 547.)
231 Patriarch of Antioch 260-270. Bp. Wordsworth calls him "the Socinus of the 3rd c." Samosata (Samsat) was capital of the Commagene in Syria.
232 In an ecclesiastical sense the title (economus was used of
(i) the treasurer of a particular church: e.g. Cyriacus of Constantinople (Chron Pasch. p. 378).
(ii) a diocesan official. The Council of Chalcedon ordered that every diocese should have its oeconomus.
(iii) the custos monasterii, who had charge of the secular affairs of the monastery, as the diocesan oeconomus of those of the diocese.
234 Psalm xxxvii. 5. Psalm xxxvii. 6.
235 On the care of orphans in the early church vide Ig. Ep. Smyrn. VI. and Bp. Lightfoot's note. At Constantinople the Orphanotrophus was a priest of high rank.
243 II. Tim. iii. 12. II. Tim. iii. 13.
244 Garnerius supposes this to refer to Dial. II.
247 The route of the bishops would be by land, in consequence of the dangers of the sea voyage in winter time. From Ancyra (Angora) they would follow the course of the Sangarius into Bithynia, and would cross thence via Chalcedon to Constantinople.
248 This letter is placed by Garnerius in the end of 447 on account of its allusion to Proclus, who died in October 447, and to the deposition of Iren`us of Tyre, for which the formal edict was issued in Feb. 448, but which was perhaps rumoured earlier. But by some the death of Proclus is placed a year earlier.
250 Of the blessed Principius nothing is known. cf. Tillemont, XV. 267.
251 "The phraseology of this letter has given rise to much misapprehension. The use of the first person has led some to suppose that Theodoret, who belonged to another province, was the consecrator of Irenaeus, or that he took part in his consecration, or even with the Abbé Martin (le Pseudo-Synode d'Éphèse, pp. 84, 85) that it is erroneously ascribed to Theodoret, and was really written by Domnus. It is clear from the tenor of the epistle that it was written by Theodoret, and that the first person is employed by him as writing in Domnus' name. (Tillemont xv. pp. 871, 872.)" Dict. Christ. Biog. iii. 281 n.
It is in consonance with this theory that Alexander of Antioch is described as bishop of this apostolic see, a phrase natural for Domnus to use, but not for Theodoret.
252 It is uncertain who this Diogenes was; he cannot have been Diogenes of Cyzicus, for he was alive and present at Chalcedon in 451.
253 No more is known of Domninus or Praylius. cf. p. 157. "It is clear from the Philosophumena of Hippolytus (ix, 12.) that by the beginning of the third century the rule of monogamy for the clergy was well established, since he complains that in the days of Callistus `digamist and trigamist bishops, priests, and deacons began to be admitted.0'" Dict. Christ. Ant. i. 552.
254 The Pontic Diocese is one of the twelve civil divisions of the Constantinian empire.
255 This letter is in reply to that written by Anatolius on the receipt of Letter XCII. Garnerius, who places the decree of relegation earlier than Tillemont, dates it at about the end of April 448.
256 The leaders of the attack on Ibas, (bishop of Edessa and metropolitan, in 436) were four presbyters, Samuel, Cyrus, Eulogius, and Maras. The cabal chose the moment for action when Domnus visited Hierapolis for the enthrontzation of Stephen, and in 445 Ibas was summoned by Domnus to Antioch, but did not come. In 448 the eighteen charges - some frivolous, some of gross heresy - were formally heard, and Domnus decided in favor of Ibas. cf. p. 283, note.
257 i.e. recommended Ibas not to excommunicate his accusers.
259 Garnerius points out that the indications of the date of this letter are clear. It mentions the imperial summons to the Latrocinium, and contains Theodoret's advice to Domnus as to what companions he should take with him. It must therefore be placed between the arrival of the summons at Antioch and the departure of Domnus for Ephesus. The summons is dated the 30th of March, and appointed the 1st of August for themeeting. Antioch is a clear thirty days' journey from Ephesusand Domnus had not yet chosen his companions. We may therefore date the letter in the May of 449.
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