307 Ephes. vi. 14.

308 Heb. x. 38. Cf. Hab. ii. 4. Sept. Note inverted quotation of Habakkuk.

309 Heb. x. 37.

310 Rom. ii. 6.

311 I. Cor. vii. 31.

312 Jonah ii. 8.

313 II. Cor. xii. 9.

314 Cf. Letter LXVII. This letter may be dated during Theodoret's banishment to Nicerte in 449, and is evidently in reply to a letter of condolence from the advocate.

315 I. Cor. xii. 26.

316 Phil. ii. 6 and Phil. ii. 7.

317 I. Cor. xv. 20. I. Cor. xv. 21. I. Cor. xv. 22.

318 cf. Luke xxii. 31.

319 Sabinianus succeeded Athanasius bishop of Perrha on the deposition of the latter at Antioch in 445. He was deposed at the Latrocinium and Athanasius restored. Both bishops signed at Chalcedon as bishops of Perrha (Labbe iv, 602, 590. Dict: Christ: Biog: iv, 574. The letter may be dated 450. Theodoret chides Sabinianus for appealing to the dominant wrong doers against his expulsion.

320 Johius was an orthodox archimandrite of Constantinople, and subscribed the deposition of Eutyches by the hand of his deacon Andreas at Constantinople in 448. (Labbe iv, 232) In 450 Leo addresses him with other archimandrites (Ep. LXXI page 1012). This letter seems to have been written about the time of the Latrocinium.

321 Gen. xiii. 15.

322 Ex. xvii. 13.

323 I. Sam. vii. 12.

324 Garnerius would date this letter at the time of the council of Chalcedon.

325 Garnerius supposes that this Antoninus is the same as the Antoninus mentioned as living in Theodoret's Religious History and thinks that the Solitary may have become an Archimandrite after 445 when the Religious History was written, but the mss. vary as to the superscription of the letter, which may be addressed to Magnus, Antonius and others.

326 Joshua i. 5.

327 Matthew xxviii. 20.

328 Psalm cxviii. 6.

329 Timotheus was Bishop of Doliche, a town of the Euphratensis. He was present at Antioch when Athanasius of Perrha was deposed, and also at Chalcedon. The letter may be dated from Nicerte in 450.

330 Luke ii. 11.

331 Luke i. 31.

332 Matt. i. 21. Observe the confusion of quotation.

333 Phil. ii. 6.

334 John i. 1.

335 The word tetraktuj commonly expresses the sum of the first four numbers in the Pythagorean system, i.e. 10, the root of creation; (1+2+3+4=10.) Cf. the Pythagorean oath "Nai ma ton ametera yuxa paradonta tetraktun." Its use for tetradeion or tetradion (cf. Acts xii. 4) may indicate acceptance of the theory of the mystic and necessary number of the gospels of which early and remarkable expression is found in Irenaeus (cont. Haer. iii. 11.)

336 Matt. xxviii. 6.

337 Acts viii. 2.

338 There were many martyrs of the name of Julianus. Theodoret might have visited a shrine of Julianus martyred at Emesa in the reign of Numerian. A Romanus was one of the seven martyrs at Samosata in the persecution of Diocletian. Among martyred Timothei was one who suffered at Gaza in 304.

339 John vi. 51.

340 Luke xxii. 19.

341 I. Cor. xi. 24.

342 The name is omitted.

343 Garnerius identifies the "short instruction" with the composition mentioned in letter CIX. and sent to Eusebius of Ancyra; and the bishop whose name is omitted with the same Eusebius. But in his note on CIX, he thinks this composition is a part of Dial. II. It would seem from this letter that the composition in question was distinct from the Dialogues.

344 Sent presumably at the same time as the preceding. Nothing is recorded of Longinus. It will be remembered that the name, recorded also in the Acts of Linus as that of an officer commanding the executioners of St. Paul, is assigned by tradition to the soldier who wounded the Saviour's side.

345 Matt. xxv. 36.

346 Matt. xxv. 40.

347 Matt. xviii. 6.

348 Matt. xxv. 40.

349 Eph. iv. 14, and Eph. vi. 11. As in the case of the former citation Theodoret seems to be quoting from memory, and coupling the two passages in which the word meqodeia occurs. "Wiles" fits in better with the evident allusion to Eph. vi. 11, than the periphrasis by which A. V. renders iv. 14, and for which the revisers substitute "the wiles of error." "meqodeia" may be exactly described as "h apostolikh fwnh," for it occurs nowhere but in these two passages.

350 To console him under the unjust sentence of the Latrocinium.

351 It will be remembered that Flavianus had actually died from the brutal treatment he had received at the hands-and the feet-of Dioscorus with his partisans and bullies, and "migravit ad Dominum dolore plagarum," Aug. 11, 449, three days after he was carried from St. Mary's at Ephesus to his dungeon. (Liberatus Brev. xix. Dict. Christ. Biog. i. 858.)

352 John of Germanicia (vide p. 86 n.) was on the Nestorian side at Ephesus in 431, and so naturally associated with Theodoret. At Chalcedon he was compelled to pronounce a special anathema against Nestorius. (Mansi vii. 193, Dict. Christ. Biog. iii. 374.) The letter is written after the deposition and before the banishment to Nicerte. Cf. Ep. 147.

353 Ps. ix. 6, 7, lxx.

354 Ps. xviii. 16, 17.

355 This letter marks the change in the condition of affairs which followed on the death of Theodosius on July 29, 450, and the accession of Pulcheria and Marcian. Eutyches was exiled, the eunuch Chrysaphius banished and executed, and Theodoret recalled. It may be placed in the autumn of 450 or early in 451. The earlier letter (xxxii) to Theoctistus claims on behalf of Celestinianus a kindness which Theodoret in his then hour of need had failed to receive.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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