626 Matt. i. 1.

627 Luke iii. 23.

628 Acts i. 11.

629 The martyrdom of Ignatius may be placed within a few years of 110, - before or after. In the 4th c. Oct. 17 was named as the day both of his birth and death. Bp. Lightfoot. Ap. Fathers II. i. 30 and 46.

630 i.e. Eustathius of Beroea and Antioch, who, according to Theodoret (H. E. i. 6, p. 43.), sat at Nicaea on Constantine's right hand. (Contra. I. Soz. i. 19.) He was exiled on account of the accusation got up against him by Eusebius of Nicomedia.

631 Meletius of Antioch. cf. pp. 92, 93. He presided at Constantinople in 381, and died while the Council was sitting.

632 Of Constantinople, murdered at the Latrocinium.

633 Vide p. 129.

634 cf. Ep. LII. St. Cyprian was beheaded at Carthage, Aug. 13, 258, his last recorded utterance being his reply to the reading of the sentence "That Thascius Cvprianus be beheaded with the sword," "Thanks be to God." Theodoret's "fire" is either an errors or means the fiery trial of martyrdom.

635 Vide p. 82.

636 cf. pp. 110, 174.

637 i.e. Gregory of Nazianzus, put in possession of St. Sophia by Theodosius I. Nov. 24, 380, Chrysostom, consecrated by The. ophilus of Alexandria, Feb. 26, 398; and Atticus, who succeed Arsacius the usurper in 406.

638 Gregory of Nyssa. cf. p. 129.

639 Of Iconium. cf. p. 114.

640 _ 155.

641 _ c. 202.

642 Commonly known as bishop of Patara, though Jerome speaks of him as of Tyre. The place and time of his death are doubtful. Eusebius calls him a contemporary. (cf. Jer. Cat. 83, and Socr. vi. 13.)

643 According to Döllinger the first anti-pope. cf. reff. p. 177.

644 Cyril's party met on June 22, 431, - numbering 198, in the Church of the Virgin. John of Antioch with his fourteen sup. porters did not arrive till the 27th. Unable to start from their diocese before April 26, the octave of Easter, they did not assemble at Antioch till May 10, and then were delayed by a famine. Immediately on their arrival the "Conciliabulum" of the 43 anti-Cyrillians met with indecent precipitancy.

645 Both parties, regarding their opponents as excommunicate, forbade them to perform their sacred functions.

646 "Comes domesticorum" commander of the guards, was representative of Theodosius II. and Valentinian III. at Ephesus. Candidianus was at first disposed to demur to the condemnation of Nestorius as disorderly and irregular, and to side with the Orientals.

647 cf. p. 292.

648 Is. lix. 5, lxx.

649 Is. lix. 6.

650 This Report, couched in almost identical terms with the preceding, I omit, although commonly accepted as the composition of Theodoret.

651 This is also merely a short summary of CLII. and CLIII.

652 Omitted as being a repetition of the preceding.

653 The Latin version of the title begins "Relatio orientalis conciliabuli." So the rival and hurried gathering of the Easterns was styled. The following letter is a further justification of their action, and illustrates the readiness and ability, if not the temper and prudence, of the bishop of Cyrus, its probable author.

654 Written at the same time and under the same circumstances as the former, of which it is an abbreviation, and is consequently omitted.

655 Omitted as merely repeating the representation of CLVII.

656 This document defends the action of the conciliabulum, speaking of Cyril, in consequence of their depositions as "lately" bishop of Alexandria, and demanding the exile of Memnon.

657 This letter may be dated "towards the end of July or in the beginning of August 431, after the restitution of Cyril and Memnon on July 16, and before the departure of Theodoret from Ephesus on August 20." Garnerius. Andrew of Samosata wrote objections to Cyril's Chapters in the name of the bishops of the East. He was prevented by illness from being present at Ephesus in 431, as he was also from the synod assembled at Antioch in 444 to hear the cause of Athanasius of Perrha. He was a warm supporter of Nestorius.

This letter exists only in the Latin Version, and is to be found also in Mansi Collect. Conc. ix. 293.

658 In Ep. CLXI, the numbers are specified;-"Of Egyptians fifty; of Asiani under Memnon, leader of the tyranny, forty; of the heretics in Pamphylia called Messalianitae, twelve; besides those attached to the same metropolitan" (i.e. Amphilochius of Side) "and others deposed and excommunicated in divers places by synods or bishops, who constitute nothing but a mere turbulent and disorderly mob, entirely ignorant of the divine decrees."

659 Another version of the title runs "To the very holy and wise synod assembled at Ephesus, Joannes, Paulus, Apringius, Theodoretus, greeting." The letter may be dated in Sept. 431. Paul, bishop of Emesa, was ultimately an active peacemaker in the dispute. Apringius was bishop of Chalcis.

It only exists in the Latin.

660 The Macedonian name for September.

661 A villa in the vicinity of Chalcedon.

662 Metropolitan of Nicomedia; one of the "Conciliabulum."

663 Also only in Latin.

664 Bishop of Melitene in Armenia Secunda, an ardent anti-Nestorian, who remonstrated with Cyril for consenting to make peace with the Orientals.

665 Only in Latin.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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