666 i.e. Maximianus, in succession to Nestorius, Oct. 25, 431.
667 Nestorius was permitted to return to his old monastery at Antioch.
671 Dated by Garnerius at the end of September or beginning of October 431, before the order had been given for the withdrawal of the Easterns and the entry of the other party to consecrate a bishop.
675 After pointing out that superscription, style, expression, sentiments, and circumstances all indicate Theodoret as the writer of this letter, Garnerius proceeds "The objection of Baronius that mention is made of Martinus, bishop of Milan, when there never was a Martinus bishop of Milan, is not of great importance. Theodoret at a distance might easily write Martinus for Martinianus, or a copyist might abbreviate the name to this form." The date of the letter is marked as after the order to the bishops to remain at Constantinople, and before permission was given them to return home. The Letters were also written to Martinianus of Milan, to John Ravenna, and to John of Aquileia, but only that to Rufus is extant. Rufus is probably the bishop of Thessalonica.
683 Vide note on superscription.
684 cf. note on p. 114. Celestius, an Irishman of good family, was associated with Pelagius at Rome. Both were condemned at Ephesus in 431. The connexion of Pelagius with the Euchitae may be suggested by the denial of the former of original sin anti the depreciation by the latter of baptism as producing no results.
685 This Letter appears to be that of the Euphratensian synod. ("probat prmum haec vox en koinw, in conventu: deinde pluralis numerus ubique positus." Garnerius.)
Garnerius would date it during the negotiations for reconciliation, when John of Antioch visited Acacius at Beroea, after the Orientals had accepted Cyril's formula of faith. Schulze would rather place it after the negotiations were over.
686 Presumably the letter written by Cyril to Acacius, setting forth his own view, and representing that peace might be attained if the Orientals would give up Nestorius. It exists in Latin. Synod. Mansi, V. 831.
688 The following paragraph, found only in the Vatican ms., and described by Schulze as "inept," is omitted. It has no significance.
689 Of this letter the Greek copies have perished. Three Latin versions exist.
(i) In Synod c. 120. Mens. v 898.
(ii) In synodi quntoe collatione. Mans. IX. 294.
(iii) A version of Marius Mercator from the Recension of Garnerius. The two latter are both given in Migne, Theod. IV. 486. The translation given follows the former of these two. The date appears to be not long after the receipt by Theodoret of the Chapters of Cyril.
691 cf. Epp. CXLIII and CLXXVII.
694 Himerius was of the "Conciliabulum," and a staunch Nestorian. LeQuien points out that he, as well as Theodoret, became ultimately reconciled to the victorious party.
695 This according to Marius Mercator is the conclusion of a letter to Alexander of Hierapolis. Garnerius had edited it as the conclusion of the preceding letter to Himerius. Vide Mans. V. 880.
696 This letter was also edited by Garnerius as addressed to Himerius but is inscribed by Schulze to Alexander of Hierapoils. It is to be found complete in Mans. 927.
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