188 Died 337, (or according to others 370-82.) Jerome in this chapter seems, unless the usual modern view is confused, to have mixed up Eustathius of Antioch with Eusebius of Sebaste.

189 Bishop A H T 25 30 Her; omit 31 32 a e Val.

190 Constantius this is supposed to be an evident slip for Constantinus (Compare Venables in Smith and Wace Dict. v. 2, p. 383) but if there is confusion with Eustathius of Sebaste as suggested above possibly the latter's deposition by Constantius is referred to. But the difficulty remains almost as great.

191 Died 372, or 374 (Ffoulkes.)

192 Born about 296. died 373.

193 Born 251, died 356.

194 Bishop of Ancyra 336-344, 353-60, 361-3.

195 A doctor of So T? and some editions. Most mss. omit (gnarus) but it needs to be supplied in translation.

196 Bishop 335, died 355?

197 Died before 359.

198 Leucotheon = Leuteon.

199 Bishop 313, -355.

200 Asterius of Cappadocia, died about 330.

201 Bishop 353, died 370.

202 Born about 315, Bishop about 340, exiled 355-62, died 371-5.

203 Flourished 343-355.

204 Bishop about 338, died 365-6.

205 Serapion the scholastic, died about 358.

206 Bishop 350-5, exiled 356-60, died at Poitiers 367-8.

207 Caius or Fabius Marius Victorinus, died about 370.

208 Ordained 361, died 371.

209 Pope Damasus, died 380.

210 Apollinaris the younger, Bishop 362, died about 390.

211 Works "generally recognized as authentic" Matougues.

212 Gregory Baeticus Bishop of Elvira 359-392.

213 Elvira, Eliberi or Grenada.

214 Bishop about 360, died about 390.

215 Deer, This title has given rise to a good deal of conjecture. Fabricius's conjecture that it referred to certain games held on the Kalends of January is doubted by Vallarsi, but appears to have been really acute, from the fact that two mss. read "The deer [Cervulus] on the Kalends of January and against other pagan games."

216 Bishop about 347, deposed 351, died about 376.

217 Bishop 358, died about 392.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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