30 399.

31 from all of which A 25 30 31 a; from which e T Her.

32 angelical nature etc., "that the human body is an abode of angels" (angelicam stationem corpus esse) Phillott, in Smith and Wace.

33 Sulpicius Severus born after 353, died about 410.

34 Virtues or miracles.

35 Bishop of Ptolemais (Acre) about 400, died about 408.

36 long. a 25 30 31; great A T e.

37 full of A 25 30 31 a e; on T 21 Her.

38 Severianus of Emesa. Bishop 400-3, died after 408.

39 Nicetas Bishop of "Remessianen" or Romaciana or Remetiana in Dacia before 392, died after 414.

40 T and 31 read Niceta or Nicetas, but other mss. Niceas and so Fabricius and Her.

41 Garadius A T 31 a e; Gadarius 25 30 Her.

42 Genealogy T 25 30 21; genethlogiam 31 a e.

43 Bishop of Barcelona about 316.

44 A Spanish bishop. Flourished about 400.

45 St. Servais, Bishop of Tongres 338, died at Maestricht 384. The patron saint of Maestricht. Supposed by some to be the same as Phebadius (Faegadius, Phaebadius, Segatius, Sabadius Phiradius (called in Gascony Fiari)? bishop of Agen. Flourished 440 (Cave).

46 Converted Jew, flourished about 385.

47 Flourished above 440.

48 Omit "teaching" e T 31.

49 Flourished fifth century.

50 Flourished about 440.

51 John Chrysostom born at Antioch about 347, bishop of Constantinople 398, deposed 403, died 407.

52 This whole paragraph is omitted by most mss., though T and 21 have it.

53 Bishop 386, died 417.

54 John A 25 30 31 a e; another John [T ?] 21.

55 Fourth century.

56 In reply ...proofs A T 25 30 21; omit e 31 a.

57 Bishop 385, died 412.

58 Church T 21; city A 25 30 31 a.

59 deposed 25 31 a e?; elect A 30; stripped of T.

60 Bishop of Milan 451, died 462.

61 At Jerusalem 394, heretic about 404.

62 to him ...responded A Her.; omit T 25 30 31 a e.

63 Bishop of Milan 397, died 400.

64 Bishop of Trent 388, died 405.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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