157 Page 26.

158 Mansi. T. IV. 1012 Seqq. Migne Pat. LXXVII. 85.

159 Jos. i. 5.

160 Gieseler Vol. I. p. 231.

161 Gieseler i. 235.

162 Synod. c. 17. Mansi V. p. 773.

163 In Walch's Hist. Ketz. V. 778, there is a good summary of Nestorius' views: he thinks the dispute a mere logomachy. So also Luther, and after him Bashage, Dupin, Jablonski. Vide reff. in Gieseler i. 236.

164 Ecc. Hist. xiv. 54.

165 xviii. 427.

166 Dict. Christ. Biog. iv. 918.

167 Marc. 466. Ceiller x. 25.

168 Cod. xxiv., p. 527.

169 La vie sainte et édifante que Théodoret mena dès sa première jeunusse; les travaux apostoliques dont il honora son épiscopat; son zèle pour la conversion des ennemis de l'église; les persecutions qu'il sonffrait pour lenom de Jesus Christ; son amour pour la solitude, pour la pauvreté et pour les pauvres; l'esprit de charité qu'il a fait paraitre dans toutes les occasions; la généreuse liberté dans la confession de la verité; sa profonde humilité qui parai't danstons ses écrits; le succès dont Dieu bénit ses soins et ses mouvements pour le salut des hommes, l'ont reudu venerable dans l'eglise. Les anciens l'ont qualifie saint, et apellé un homme divin; mais la qualité qu'ils lui donnent ordinairement c'est celle de bienheureux." Ceillier

170 of Schröck b xxiii 256

171 That is to Rome.

172 cf. Eph. v. 2.

173 zwopoin. cf. to kurion to zwopoion of the Creed of Constantinople.

174 See the account in Rufinus' Apology I. 11.

175 The word may also mean On beginnings, or On Principalities and Powers: these ideas being connected together in the speculation of the Alexandrian theology.

176 Daniel x. 11, Daniel ix. 23. The name Macarius means Blessed.

177 Rom. x, 10.

178 Matt. xii, 37.

179 See the Epilogue, infra.

180 1 Thess. v. 21, 22.

181 Gal. vi, 16.

182 Phil. ii. 7.

183 II. Cor. iv. 16.

184 Rom. vii. 22.

185 Ephes. iii. 17. Greek as in A.V. "in your hearts."

186 Matt. xxvii. 48.

187 Matt. xxvi. 39.

188 John xii. 27.

189 Matt. xxiv. 36 and Mk. xiii. 22. There is no manuscript authority for the variation Son "of Man."

190 John xvi. 15.

191 Matt. xxiv. 36.

192 Matt. xxvi. 39.

193 Matt. xx. 18, Matt. xx. 19.

194 John viii. 26.

195 For the view that the cup deprecated by the Saviour was death there is no direct Scriptural authority and to adopt the exegesis of Theodoret and of many others would be to place the divine humanity of the Messiah on a lower; level than that not merely of many a martyr and patriot but of many men unconscious of martyr's or patriot's high calling, who have nevertheless faced death and pain with calm and cheerful fortitude. The bitterness of the cup which the Saviour prayed might if possible pass from Him seems rather to have lain in the culmination of the sin of the race and nation with which His love for men had identified Him; the greed, the treachery, the meanness, the cruelty, the disloyalty, shewn by the Sons of Israel to the Son of David, by the sons of men to the Son of Man.

196 koinwnia, in the sense of participation.

197 Coloss. ii. 8. Coloss. ii. 9.

198 Phil. ii. 7.

199 Gal. iv. 7.

200 John xv. 15.

201 Isaiah vii. 14 and ix. 6, lxx. Alex.

202 Isaiah xlix. 3.

203 Isaiah xlix. 5.

204 Isaiah xlix. 6 "covenant of the people" being imported from lxii. 6.

205 Ephes. i, 19, Ephes. i, 20.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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