103 Born about 376, bishop of Alexandria 412, died 444.

104 From position evidently flourished before 450.

105 Flourished 418-430.

106 purity T 31 a e 21; purity of life A 25 30.

107 in his substance A T 30 31 a e 21; omit 25 Her.

108 Claudius Marius Victor (Victorius or Victorinus) of Marseilles died 445.

109 four A T 31 a e; three 25 30.

110 Johannes Cassianus died 450.

111 Died about 455.

112 Bishop about 435, died 450.

113 Presbyter 434, died before 450.

114 Syagrius of Lyons, died 486.

115 Isaac of Amida (Diarbekir) presbyter died about 460.

116 Born about 390, Presbyter about 428, died about 484.

117 present judgment more generally known as Divine Providence (De gubernatione Dei.)

118 one book of epistles a 25 30; omit A T 31 e 21.

119 From position evidently flourished about 450.

120 Born about 401, bishop 429, died 440.

121 correction to all; Her. adds work of preaching but has the support of no good mss.

122 Leo the Great, Bishop (Pope) 440, died 461.

123 bishop: A 30 31 e have pontiff.

124 T and 21 add after heaven "and he addressed another letter on this same subject to the Emperor Leo in whose reign also he died."

125 Presbyter 457.

126 Bishop of Alexandria 380, died 385.

127 Timotheus 31 e add Bishop of Alexandria.

128 Proterius; 25 30 Fabr. Her. add the bishop.

129 This book ...caveat A T 25 30 31 a e 21 Fabr.; omit Migne. Her.

130 Bishop of Bagais (Vagen) about 485.

131 large see A T 25 30 31 a? e earliest eds.; small village. Fabr. Migne. Her.

132 Flourished 450.

133 Flourished 430?.

134 T adds several lines.

135 Bishop in Spain? about 400.

136 Victor of Cartenna (Tenez Afr.) bishop about 450.

137 which he sent ...work A T 30 31 e 21 Fabr.; omit 25 a Her.

138 publican Fabr. Migne, Her.: On public penance, A T 30 31 a? e?: omit publican 25 Bamb Bern. the oldest editions.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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