139 Bishop of Castellan in Mauritania about 450.

140 Sacraments or of Sacraments i.e. a Sacrementary.

141 Died before 461.

142 Eustathius 31 e; Eustasius A T a. ed. 1512; Eusebius 25, 30; Eustachius Fabr. Migne, Her.

143 Sacramentary or On the Sacraments.

144 the Lord T 25 30 31 a e God Fabr. Her.

145 Apparently about 450.

146 Flourished 460.

147 since he began to inveigh against him too intemperately Norimb. and the eds., but the other mss. read "nevertheless" inveigh or "inveighs less" or "more" and "is found" for "inveigh." T 21 25 a Wolfenb. agree in reading in illo minus invenitur instead of in illum nimius inventur. Norimb has same with nimius instead of minus. The reading of T 21 25 a Wolfenb. thus reinforced and in view of the fact of the easy confusion of minus and nimius in transcribing, is the most probable reading, but it is hard to decide and harder still to make sense of it.

148 Presbyter 467.

149 Claudianus Ecdicius Mamertius died 473-4.

150 wrote ...Vienne is said to be in a certain manuscript of the Monastery of "St. Michaelis de Tumba" but is omitted by A T 25 30 31 a e 21 Bamb. Bern. etc etc. and certainly does not belong in text. It is left in brackets above because given in the editions.

151 Born 403, wrote chronicle 445? died 463.

152 thought A 25 30 31 a e 21; said T Fabr. Her.

153 Abbot of Lerins 433-4, bishop of Riez 462, exiled 477-84, died 490.

154 Made bishop A T 31 e 21; bishop a 25 30.

155 and therefore God T 25 31 a e 21 [31 A?;] obtaining Fabr. Her.; Bamb and ed. 1512 read and therefore but join to next sentence.

156 saved A T 25; add and the free will of the human mind in which we are saved 30 31 a e.

157 Bishop of "Tiburcisen" about 406-11.

158 Wrote 457. 30 a read Victorinus.

159 careful T 25 30 31 a Fabr.; most diligent A Norimb?; Bern Norimb. et alt add of the Scriptures: of measures Her.

160 Theodoret born about 393, bishop of Cyrrhaus 423, wrote 450, died 457.

161 Theodoretus A a e; Theodoritus 31; Theodorus T 25 30.

162 Bishop (or "Pontiff") 458, died 471.

163 Patriarch (Pontiff) A T 30 31 e 21; bishop 25 a Fabr. Her.

164 Died 492 (C) - rather before 491.

165 Theodulus A T 31 a e; Theodorus 25 30 21.

166 three years since A T 30? 31 21; omit 25 a.

167 Caius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius born about 430, bishop 472, died about 488.

168 This chapter is in Norimb. and three only of the mss. seen by the translator N. British Museum Harl. 3155, xv cent.; 43 Wolfenbüttel 838 xv cent.; k Paris B. N. Lat. 896. It is omitted by A T 25 30 31 a e 21 etc. etc. etc. and really has no place in the text, but as it was early introduced and is in the editions (not however the earliest ones) it is given here.

169 Flourished 477-495.

170 unwisely T 25 30 31 e; unwisely saying A? a?

171 Timotheans A T 25 30 31 a e 21 etc; add which is absurd Fabr. Migne, Her.

172 Bishop 492, died 496.

173 From this point to the end is bracketed, as a large part of the mss. end with John of Antioch. Of our mss. Gelasius and Gennadius are contained in 25 30 e², Honoratus to Pomerius in A 30 31 e² 40.

174 Bishop of Constantina (Cirta) 437.

175 exiled by King Genseric; omit e² 30 31 40.

176 Bishop of "Castelli Ripensis" in Africa 484.

177 Bishop 479, died 505.

178 Huneric A; omit e² 30 31 40.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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