28 Verti. Possibly used like Versare for `turning over the leaves, 0' `making constant use of. 0'

29 John xiv, 6.

30 Rom. ii, 17-24.

31 Quaterniones may mean `sets of four. 0' It likely to be used for a `cahier 0' of four sheets.

32 Ep. xxii. c. 20.

33 The word "Dei" has crept in, apparently, wrongly. If it stands the meaning would be, `To whom you were teaching the word of God, 0' or the allusion may be to Ps. xlv, 10, with which the Letter to Eustochium begins, `Hearken O daughter so shall the King desire thy beauty. 0'

34 2 Cor. xi, 2.

35 Morbus regius; used variously for jaundice and leprosy. See Jer. Life of Hilarion, c. 34.

36 The word is given in Greek, kaqhghthj.

37 The name of Jerome's Jewish teacher of Hebrew, which Rufinus here perverts, was Baranina. Letter lxxxiv. c. 3.

38 John xviii, 40.

39 Letter lxxxiv, 2.

40 See this Preface translated among Jerome's works in this Series.

41 Cant. i, 4.

42 Letter xliii, 1.

43 Indomitable or made of adamant.

44 Indefatigable;lit. Brazen-bowelled.

45 Letter xxxiii.

46 Chalcenterus as above.

47 Jer. i, 11, Jer. i, 13.

48 These games took place at Rome each February in honour of Lupercus the god of fertility. Two noble youths, after a sacrifice of goats and dogs, ran almost naked about the city with thongs cut from the skins, a stroke from which was believed to impart fertility to women.

49 Romulus, the founder of Rome who slew his brother Remus.

50 Eun. Prol. The sentiment, not the words, are quoted above.

51 The blind teacher of Alexandria.

52 2 Cor. xi. 6.

53 Ps. cxix, 46.

54 Phil. ii, 3.

55 Rom. ii, 21.

56 Sensuum nomine. Thomas the Apostle is called Didymus. John xi, 16.

57 See the continuation by Jerome of the Chronicle of Eusebius (not included in this translation) a.d. 381 "Florentius, Bonosus and Rufinus became known as distinguished monks."

58 Chronicle. a.d. 377.

59 Letter lxxxiv. 2.

60 Venerarios, belonging to Venus or love. It might mean `beloved ones. 0'

61 Luke i, 44.

62 Is. vi.

63 Namely, Ep. lxxxiv. c. 7.

64 Tim. iv. 13.

65 Jer. Letter lxxxiv. c. 8.

66 This change of the gourd for the ivy forms the ground. work of a curious story told by Augustine, to which no doubt Rufinus here alludes See Ep. civ, 5 of the collection of Jerome's letters. Augustin Letter lxxi.

67 The asterisks denoted that the words to which they were attached were added, and the obeli (_) that something had been subtracted. See Jerome's Preface to the Kings in this Series.

68 Stars and spits.

69 Gal. vi, 1.

70 See Jerome's letter to Pammachius (Letter xlviii) describing his friend's remonstrance, and defending himself.

71 That is, the work which Macarius was writing upon fate, as explained in this Apology i. 11.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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