206 Luke 1. 34, Luke 1. 35.

207 Matt. i. 20.

208 Matt. i. 18.

209 Luke iv. 17, Luke iv. 21.

210 Acts x. 38.

211 Isaiah xi. 1, Isaiah xi. 2.

212 Isaiah xlii. 1.

213 Matt. xii. 28.

214 John i. 33.

215 John x. 5, John x. 26.

216 I Cor. ii. 12.

217 Hebrews v. 1-3.

218 Hebrews v. 4 and Hebrews v. 5.

219 Hebrews v. 7, Hebrews v. 10.

220 Isaiah xxv. 8.

221 Psalms 77, 3, lxx.

222 Hist. Susann: 42.

223 John xvi. 15.

224 Col. i. 15.

225 John xiv. 7.

226 Heb. ii. 14.

227 Matt. iii. 15.

228 Heb. iv. 15

229 Heb. iii. 1-2.

230 emyuxon.

231 For "the Christ" we might expect here "the Word," for that the Christ suffered is the plain statement of Scripture (1 Pet ii. 21). But Theodoret uses the name Christ of the eternal word, e.g. de Providentia x. 661. "When you hear Christ mentioned, understand the only begotten Son the Word, begotten of His Father before the ages, clad in human nature."

232 Is. liii. 3.

233 John vii. 19. d. John viii. 40.

234 John ii. 9.

1 sulaw. Cf. Cor. xi. 8.

2 Ct. Basil de Spir. sanct., 29. "o palaistinoj" means "of Caesarea," his see, to distinguish him from his namesake, Bishop of Nicomedia.

3 The last event mentioned by Eusebius is the defeat of Licinius, who was put to death a.d. 324.

4 ekklhsia. The use of the word in 1 Cor. xi. 18 indicates a transition stage between "Assembly" and "Building." The brethren met "in assembly:" soon they met in a church. Cf. Aug. Ep. 190, 5. 19; "ut nomine ecclesiae, id est populi qui continetur, significemus locum qui continct." Chrysost. Hom. xxix. in Acta: oi progonoi taj ekklhsiaj wkodomhsan.

5 Succeeded Theonas as Archbishop of Alexandria, a.d. 300. Beheaded by order of Maximinus, a.d. 311. Euseb. vii. 32.

6 Patriarch of Alexandria, a.d. 311-312. Promoted Arius to the priesthood. Soz. i. 15.

7 Patriarch, a.d. 312-326.

8 hn pote ote ouk hn.

9 korubantiwnta.

10 ean <\=85_skandalizh, St. Matt. v. 29 and St. Matt. xviii. 9; ei . . skandalizei, cf. Mark ix. 43.

11 Bp. of Rome, from Jan. 31, a.d. 314, to Dec. 31, a.d. 335.

12 Otherwise Melchiades. July 2, a.d. 310, to Jan. 10, a.d. 314.

13 Jan. 30, a.d. 296, to Oct. 25, a.d. 304. Accused of apostasy, under Diocletian.

14 Bishop of Antioch during the persecution of Diocletian, kaq' on hkmasen h twn ekklhsiwn poliorkia. Eus. H.E. vii. 32.

15 21st Bp. of Antioch, a.d. 312-a.d. 318.

16 The ancient part of the city of Antioch.

17 a.d. 319-323.

18 a.d. 302-311.

19 Macarius = Blessed. a.d. 311-? 334. Vide Chapters iv. and xvii.

20 Circa ? a.d. 313 or 317-340.

21 Alexander's words seem to imply that Colluthus began his schismatical proceedings in assuming to exercise episcopal functions before the separation of Arius from the Church, and that one cause of his wrung action was impatience at the mild course at first adopted by Alexander towards Arius. The Council of Alexandria held in a.d. 324 under Hosius, decided that he was only a Presbyter.

22 xriostemporia. The word xristemporoj is applied in the "Didache" to lazy consmers of alms. Cf. Ps. Ignat. ad Trall.: ou xristianoi alla xristemporoi, Ps. Ignat. ad Mag. ix., and Bp. Lightfoot's note.

23 Readings vary between alektoj = indescribable, and alhktoj = ceaseless. Cf. 'Alhktw, the Fury.

24 Hn pote ote ouk hn o uioj tou qeou. kai Gegonen usteron o proteron mh uparxwn toioutoj genomenoj ote kai pote gegonen oioj kai paj pefuken anqrwpoj.

25 Isai. i. 2 uiouj egennhsa kai uywsa, as in Sept. Vulg., filios enutrivi et exaltavi. Revd., marg., "made great and exalted."

26 Ps. xlv. 7, as in Sept., except that adikian is substituted for anomian.

27 Oute ec ouk ontwn gegenhtai.

28 John i. 18.

29 John i. 3.

30 upostasin.

31 John i. 1, John i. 3.

32 to on, the self-existent of philosophy.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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