72 Sacerdotes. This is almost always applied to Bishops. Here the allusion is chiefly to Jerome's attack upon Ambrose, See Sect. 23-25.

73 John vii, 24.

74 John xv, 25.

75 The older editions do not contain the name.

76 Some copies read visi instead of nisi sumus: I seemed to be compelled.

1 Acts xix, 9. Rufinus's praenomen was Tyrannius.

2 Ps. lxviii, 23 Jerome's version is here, as in many cases unintelligible through a perverse literalism and an incorrect Hebrew text. In our Revised Version it stands: "That the tongue of thy dogs may have its portion from thine enemies."

3 Cic. Quaest. Acad. Lib. i.

4 That is, The Preface of Rufinus to his Translation of the IIeri 'Arxwn (p. 427-8).

5 Hor. Ep. B. i, Ep. iii, 32.

6 See Ruf. Apol. i, 11. "I had grown dull in my Latinity through the disuse of nearly 30 years."

7 Jerome Letter lxxxiii Pammachius to Jerome: "Refute your accuser; else, if you do not speak out, you will appear to consent."

8 This is altered from Virg. Aen. x, 875.

Incipias conferre manum."

9 Supposed to be a version of Ps. lxiv, 8.

10 Ps. xxvii, 3, Ps. xxvii, 4.

11 Aen: i, 177.

Expediunt, fessti rerum.

12 Intermundia. Spaces between the worlds, in which, according to Epicurus, the Gods reside.

13 See this question fully argued out by Lightfoot in the Diet. of Christian Biography, Art. Eusebius of C`saria. He says: "The Defence of Origen was the joint work of Pamphilus and Eusebius:" and "Jerome's treatment of thismatter is a painful exhibition of disingenuousness, &c." See De V. Ill. lxxv.

14 Suggrfeuj.

15 Suntagma. No work of Eusebius appears to have borne this title. The work alluded to is either the Life of Pamphilus or the Book On the Martyrs of Palestine.

16 "The existence of a work which consisted mainly of extracts from Origen with Comments, and of which he was only the joint author, is quite reconcilable with this statement. Indeed, the very form of the expression in the original, corresponding to `ipse quidem 0' `proprii 0' was probably chosen so as to exclude this work of compilation and partnership." Lightfoot, Art. Eusebius of Caesarea, in Dict. of Christian Biography.

17 Yeudepigrafw.

18 Eusebius of Cremona, Jerome's friend, whom Rufinus accused of stealing and publishing his mss.

19 Jerome translated the Chronicle and the Description of the Holy Land, but not this History. This was done later by Rufinus.

20 Jerome Letter lxxxiii.

21 Letter lxxxiv. 12.

22 Jerome, Letters 91-94.

23 Ep. lxxxiv to Pammachius and Oceanus.

24 Letter lxxxi.

25 Nazianzen, to whose instructions Jerome attached himself at Constantinople in 381.

26 Is. xxix, 1, "Where David encamped." Rev. Ver.

27 Ps. xc.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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