2 (Eph. iv. 4.) St. Alexander in Theod. begins his Epistle to his namesake of Constantinople with some moral reflections, concerning ambition and avarice. Athan. indeed uses a similar introduction to his Ep. Aeg., but it is not addressed to an individual.
3 paranomoi. vid. Hist. Ar. §71 init. 75 fin. 79.
4 prodromon AntiXriotou. vid Orat. i. 7. Vit. Ant. 69. note on de Syn. 5.
5 kai eboulomhn men siwph <\=85_epeidh de <\=85_anagkhn esxon. vid. Apol. contra. Ar. §1 init, de Decr. § 2. Orat. i. 23, init. Orat. ii. init. Orat. iii. 1. ad Serap. i. 1. 16. ii. 1 init. iii. init. iv. 8 init. Letters 52. 2, 59. 3 fin. 61. 1. contra Apollin. i. 1 init.
6 rupwoh, and infr. rupon. vid Hist. Ar. §3. § 80, de Decr. §2. Ep. Aeg. 11 fin. Orat. i 10.
7 akoaj, and infr. akoaj buei. vid. Ep. Aeg. §13. Orat. i. §7. Hist. Ar. §56.
8 akeraiwn. Apol. contr. Ar. §1. Ep. Aeg. §18. Letters 59. 1, 60. 2 fin. Orat. i. 8.
9 epofqalmisa" also used of Eusebius Apol. contr. Ar. §6. Hist. Ar. §7.
10 rhmatia vid. de Decr. §8, 18. Orat. i. 10. de Sent. §23 init S. Dionysius also uses it. Ibid. §18.
11 kakonoian. vid Hist. Ar. §75. de Decr. §1. et al.
12 ouk aei pathr. This enumeration of Arius's tenets, and particularly the mention of the first, corresponds to de Decr. §6. Ep. Aeg. §12. as being taken from the Thalia. Orat. i. §5. and far less with Alex. ap. Theod. p. 731, 2. vid. also Sent. D. §16. kataxrhstikwj, which is found here, occurs de Decr. §6.
13 ousian. ousia tou logou or tou uiou is a familiar expression with Athan. e.g. Orat. i. 45, ii. 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18 init. 22, 47 init 56 init. &c., for which Alex. in Theod. uses the word upostaij e.g. thn idiotropon autou upostasin thj upostasewj autou aperiegastou newteran thj upostasewj gensin h tou uonogenouj anekdihghtoj upostasij thn tou logou upostasin.
14 (2 Cor vi. 14.) koinwnia fwti. This is quoted Alex. ap. Theod. H. E. i. 3. p. 738; by S. Athan. in Letter 47. It seems to have been a received text in the controversy, as the Sardican Council uses it, Apol Ar. 49, and S. Athan. seems to put it into the mouth of St. Anthony, Vit. Ant. 69.
15 tij gar hkouse. Ep. Aeg. 7 init. Letter 59. §2 init. Orat. i. 8. Apol. contr. Ar. 85 init. Hist. Ar. §46 init. §73 init. §74 init. ad Serap. iv. 2 init.
20 (Joh. xiv. 9, Joh. xiv. 10, Joh. x. 29.) On the concurrence of these three texts in Athan. (though other writers use them too, and Alex. ap. Theod. has two of them), vid. note on Orat. i. 34.
21 alogon kai asofon ton qeon. de Decr. §15. Orat. i. §19. Ap. Fug. 27. note, notes on Or. i. 19, de. Decr. 15, note 6.
22 (Joh. xiv. 9, Joh. xiv. 10, Joh. x. 29.) On the concurrence of these three texts in Athan. (though other writers use them too, and Alex. ap. Theod. has two of them), vid. note on Orat. i. 34.
23 (Joh. xiv. 9, Joh. xiv. 10, Joh. x. 29.) On the concurrence of these three texts in Athan. (though other writers use them too, and Alex. ap. Theod. has two of them), vid. note on Orat. i. 34.
24 (Mal. iii. 6.) This text is thus applied by Athan. Orat. i. 30. ii. 10. In the first of these passages he uses the same apology, nearly in the same words, which is contained in the text.
27 xamaileontej. vid. de Decr. §1. Hist. Ar. §79.
28 Prov. xviii. 3 [cf. Orat. iii. 1, c. Gent. 8. 4, &c.]
31 (1 Tim. iv. 1.) Into this text which Athan. also applies to the Arians (cf. note on Or. i. 9.), Athan. also introduces, like Alexander here, the word ugianoushj, e.g. Ep. Aeg. §20, Orat. i. 8 fin. de Decr. 3, Hist. Arian. §78 init. &c. It is quoted without the word by Origen contr. Cels. v. 64, but with ugiouj in Matth. t. xiv. 16. Epiphan, has ugiainoushj didaskaliaj, Hoer. 78. 2. ugiouj did. ibid. 23 p. 1055.
32 propeteusainto. vid. de Decr. §2.
33 fqoreaj twn yuxwn. but S. Alex. in Theod. uses the compound word. fqoropoioj. p. 731. Other compound or recondite words (to say nothing of the construction of sentences) found in S. Alexander s Letter in Theod., and unlike the style of the Circular under review, are such as h filarxoj kai filarguroj proqesi: xristemporian: frenoblabouj: idiotropon: omostoixoij oullabaij: qehgorouj apostolouj: antidiastolhn thj patrikhj maieusewj: melagxolikhn: filoqeoj safhneia anosiourgiaj: flhnafwn mufwn. Instances of theological language in S. Alex. to which the Letter in the text contains no resemblance are axwriota pragmata duo: o uioj thn kata panta ouoiothta autou ek fusewj apomacamenoj: di esoptrou akhlidwtou kai euyuxou qeiaj eikonoj: mesiteuousa fusij monogenhj: taj th upostasei duo fuseij.
35 Vid. Presbysters, Apol. Ar. 73.
36 Vid. Presbysters, Apol. Ar. 73.
37 Vid. Presbysters, Apol. Ar. 73.
38 Vid. Presbysters, Apol. Ar. 73.
39 Vid. Presbysters, Apol. Ar. 73.
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