4 treij upostaseij. This expression is a link between this tract and the Expositio (§2), and is one of the indications it bears of an early date. At this time we see that Athanasius speaks of Three `Hypostases,' but qualifies his language by the caveat (Expos. 2) that they are not memerismenai. In this he follows his Origenist predecessor Dionysius, and the language of the present passage is that of Basil or the Gregories. But it is not the language of Athan. himself in his later years. See above, Prolegg. ch. ii. §3 (2) b, and Introd. to Tom. ad Ant. and to Ad Afr.
2 ensebeia, orthodoxy, see de Decr. 1, note.
3 Vid. Beveridg. Cod. Can. Illustr. i. 3. §2, who comments of this passage at length. Allusion is also made to the Canons is Apol. contr. Arian. §69
4 Vid. de Syn. §4. Orat. i. §8. Tertull. Praescr. Haer. §29.
7 Assembling in the Churches seems to have been a sort of protest or demonstration, sometimes peaceably, but sometimes in a more exceptionable manner;-peaceably, during Justina's persecution at Milan, Ambros. Ep. i. 20. August. Confess. ix. 15, but at Ephesus after the third Ecumenical Council the Metropolitan shut up the Churches, took possession of the Cathedral, and succeeded in repelling the imperial troops. Churches were asylums, vid. Cod. Theodos. ix. 45. §4. &c.; at the same time arms were prohibited.
8 areiomanitwn, vid. note on de Syn. 13.
11 The Prefect of Egypt was called [after 367, see Sievers, p. 119, and Prolegg. ch. v. Appendix, yet see Apol. Ar. §83] Augustalis as having been first appointed by Augustus, after his victories over Antony. He was of the Equestrian, not, as other Prefects, of the Senatorian order. He was the imperial officer, as answering to Propraetors in the Imperial Provinces. vid. Hofman. in voc. [on Philagrius, see Apol. c. Ari. §72, Prolegg. ch. ii. §5 (1) note].
12 Cf. Hist. Ar. §9 and 10. Apparently the great Church of `Theonas' is meant, see Fest. Index xi.
13 The sister of S. Antony was one of the earliest known inmates of a nunnery, vit. Ant. §2. 3. They were called by the Catholic Church by the title, "Spouse of Christ." Apol. ad Const. §33.
14 The quoj or suffitus of Grecian sacrifices generally consisted of portions of odoriferous trees. vid. Potter. Antiqu. ii. 4. Some translate the word here used (strbilouj), "shell-fish."
15 Churches, as heathen temples before them, were used for deposits. At the sack of Rome, Alaric spared the Churches and their possessions; nay, be himself transported the costly vessels of St. Peter into his Church.
16 en tw toixiw. [Reference uncertain.]
17 apomaforizomenai; see Sophocles' Lexicon under maforion.
18 Lent and Passion Week was the season during which Justina's persecution of St. Ambrose took place, and the proceedings against St. Chrysostom at Constantinople. On the Paschal Vigils, vid. Tertull. ad Uxor. ii. 4. [Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. iv. p 46] p. 426, note n. Oxf. Tr.
19 parskeuh, i.e., Good Friday. [Apr. 13, 339,] The word was used for Friday generally as early as S. Clem. Alex. Strom. vii. p. 877. ed. Pott. vid. Constit. Apostol. v. 13 Pseudo-Ign. ad Philipp. 13.
20 [On the difficulties of this part of the history, see Prolegg. ch. ii. §6 (1) ad fin., and ch. v. §3, c. It must be noted that according to the following passage Ath. had left the `other church' before Easter Day. It was probably that of `Quirinus,' Hist. Ar. 10.]
21 Cf. Ap. Fug. 11, and Matt. x. 23.
27 1 Cor. xii. 26; Rom. xii. 15.
28 Apol. Ar. 22, 30 Hist. Ar. 9. [The word perusin, `last year, is absent from the best ms. used by Montfaucon.']
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