51 S. Epiphanius mentions nine Churches in Alexandria. Hoer. 69. 2. Athan. mentions in addition that of Quirinus. Hist. Arian. §10. [See the plan of Larsow, appended to his Fest-briefe.] The Church mentioned in the text was built at the Emperor's expense; and apparently upon the Emperor's ground, as on the site was or had been a Basilica, which bore first the name of Hadrian, then of Licinius, Epiph. ibid. Hadrian had built in many cities temples without idols, which were popularly considered as intended by him for Christian worship, and went after his name. Lamprid. Vit. Alex. Sev. 43. The Church in question was built in the Coesareum. Hist. Arian. 74. There was a magnificent Temple, dedicated to Augustus, as epibathrioj, on the harbour of Alexandria, Philon. Legat. ad Caium, pp. 1013, 4. ed. 1691, and called the Coesareum. It was near the Emperor's palace, vid. Acad. des. Inscript. vol. 9. p. 416. [Vid. supr. note 5b, and cf. Apol. de Fuga 24.]
52 Bingham, Antiqu. xv. 3. §25. [D.C.A. 75.] Suicer, Thesaur. in voc. aumhn, Gavanti, Thesaur. vol. i. p. 89. ed. 1763.
59 logisth, auditor of accounts? vid. Demosth. de Corona, p. 290. ed. 1823. Arist. Polit. vi. 8.
60 Vid. Cod. Theod. vi. 30 [summer of 353 a.d. Prolegg. ch. ii. §7 fin.]
70 2 [August, 355 a.d. See Hist. Aceph. iii. Fest. Ind. xxv., xxvii.] Notaries were the immediate attendants on magistrates, whose judgments, &c., they recorded and promulgated. Their office was analogous in the Imperial Court. vid. Gothofred in Cod. Theod. VI. x. Ammian. Marcell. tom. 3. P. 464. ed. Erfurt, 1808. Pancirol. Notit. p. 143. Hofman in voc. Schari enumerates with references the civil officers, &c., to whom they were attached in Dissert. 1, de Notariis Ecclesoe, p. 49.
72 Vid. another translation of the Latin, Hist. Arian. §24.
74 kexrewsthmenhn vid. kratoush pistei, infr. §31.
75 The Mayor, Tillem. vol. viii. p. 152.
76 [Feb. 8, 356: cf. Apol. Fug. 24.]
79 Prov. xvi. 13. quoted otherwise, supr. §12.
80 [Probably the Libyan desert, as Const. was now in Italy.]
81 In this chapter he breaks off his Oratorical form, and ends his Apology much more in the form of a letter, vid, however twn logwn kairon, infr. §§34, 35 init. prosfwnhsw, §35.
82 Council of Milan 355, see Apol. Fug. 5.
83 Vid. Hist. Ar. §§31, 32, 54, 70, &c. [Prolegg. ch, ii. §8 (1).]
87 [Prolegg. Ch. ii. §§4, 7, 8 (1).]
88 That is, the prison. `The official books,' Montfaucon (apparently) in Onomast. vid. Gothofr. Cod. Theod. ix. 3. 1. 5. However, in ix. 30. p. 243. he says, Malim pro ipsa custodia accipere. And so Du Cange in voc., and this meaning is here followed, vid. supr. Apol. contr. Arian. §8, where commentarius is translated `jailor.'
89 On the reading, cf. infr. note 6.
90 twn xamai, vid. contr. Euseb. H.E. vii. 27.
91 Of Cappadocia, de Syn. 37, note 3.
92 h tou kreittonoj gnwsij, vid. ton kreittona, infr. And so in Arius's Thalia, the Eternal Father, in contrast to the Son, is called o kreittwn, ron kreittona, de Synod. §15. So again, qeon ton [onta] sunientaj, supr. §30, and sunetwn qeou in the Thalia, Orat. i. 5. Again, sofiaj echghtaj, supr. §30 and twn sofiaj metaxontwn, kata panta sofwn in the Thalia, ibid. And twn echghtwn touj akrouj eilesqe, supr. §30, and toutwn kat' icnoj hlqon in the Thalia.
93 kratoush, supr. §23, note 6.
95 Egypt was divided into three Provinces till Hadrian's time, Egypt, Libya, and Pentapolis; Hadrian made them four; Epiphanius speaks of them as seven. Hoer. 68. i. By the time of Arcadius they had become eight. vid. Orlendini Orbis Sacer et Prof. vol. i, p. 118. vid. supr. Ency. §3, n. 2, Apol. Ar. §83.
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