26 This Hilary afterwards followed Lucifer of Calaris in his schism. He is supposed to be the author of the Comments on S. Paul's Epistles attributed to S. Ambrose, who goes under the name of Amurosiaster.
5 Of Nicaea and Sardica (Ap. Fug. 5).
6 i.e. two years before his fall.
7 Transferred by copyists hither.
8 [i.e. at Sardica, cf. Apol. Ar. 36.]
14 [The language of Hosius is figurative. The first mention of incense as a rite in Christian worship is in ps.-Dionys, about a.d. 500, cf. D.C.A. p. 830 sq.]
15 Vid. de Decr. 2, note 6. It is remarkable, this letter having so much its own character, and being so unlike Athanasius's writings in style, that a phrase characteristic of him should here occur in it. Did Athan. translate it from Latin?
16 o alhqws #Osioj. kataskopoi, on gar episkopoi, supr. §3. infr. §§48, 76 fin. and so alhqwj Eusebie, Theod. Hist. i. 4. 'Onhsimon, ton pote soi axrhston, nuni de euxrhston Philem. 10. De Syn. 26, note 6.
19 onte ton Qeon fobhbeij o aqeoj, oute ton patroj thn diaqesin aidesqeij o anosioj, oute to ghraj aisxunqeij o astorgoj.
23 Vid. in Apol. contr. Ar. and ad Const.
1 Ap. Const. 22, 24, below, §81.
4 kataskopon, ouk episkopoj, vid. §45, note 6.
5 [a.d. 350, cf. Gibbon Hist. ch. xviii. vol. ii. p. 378.]
7 George had been pork-contractor to the army, and had been detected in peculation. vid. de Syn. 37, note 3.
8 Constantine called the Arians by this title after the philosopher Porphyry, the great enemy of Christianity. Socrates has preserved the Edict. Hist. i. 9.
12 The amanuensis here appears to speak for himself: but the Benedictines, with great probability, conjecture tote kai for autoj te kai.
13 Ecclus. vii. 5 [Apol. Const. 2].
14 [This may well be taken as a statement of what ought to be; but in view of the history of the fourth century it can only be called a rhetorical exaggeration. See supr. §15, Apol. Ar. 36, ekeleusan, Prolegg. ch. ii. §6 (1) init., and D.C.A. p. 475, with reff. there given.]
15 oij an eqelwsi, and just before wn an eqeloi. [And more strikingly just below §53 fin. a qelonsi prattei, epei kai antoj aper hqelen hkouse par autwn.] This is a very familiar phrase with Athan. i.e. wj eqelhsen, aper eqelhsan, otan qelwsin, ouj eqelhsan, &c. &c. Some instances me given supr. Apol. Ar. 2, note 3, and de Syn. 13, note 6.
18 [Observe that George has not yet arrived. Heraclius arrived `was his precursor' (supr. §48) along with Cataphronius the new Prefect, on June 10, 356; see §55.]
19 twn ergasiwn,-trades, or workmen. vid. supr. Apol. Ar. 15 Montfaucon has a note upon the word in the Collect. Nov. t. 2. p. xxvi. where he corrects his Latin in loc. of the former passage very nearly in conformity to the rendering given of it above, p. 108. `In Onomastico monuimus, hic ergasiaj "officinarum operas" commodius exprimere.' And he quotes an inscription [C.I.G. i. 3924] touto to hrwon stefanoi h ergasia twn bafewn.
20 [i.e. Thursday, June 13, 356, three days after the arrival of Heraclius and Cataphronius. The church in question was apparently that of Theonas, or the Caesareum (p. 298). According to Hist. Aceph. the churches were formally handed over to the Arians on June 15, i.e. on the Saturday. The Hist. Aceph. here fits minutely the scattered notices of Athan.: see Prolegg. ch. ii. §8 (1).]
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