44 In Syriac there is but one word `pescha' to express the Passover and Easter feasts, it is therefore sometimes rendered Easter, and sometimes Passover, in the following pages.
45 The twenty-fifth Paschal Letter of S. Cyril ends with the same words. This is the usual form in which our author concludes his Paschal Letters. S. Cyril employs it but once, as above.
1 2 Cor. vii. 6 The historical reference is not quite certain, but the Index iii. is clearly right in its statement that Ath. was absent at this time, as well as in 332.
2 `Eipon, kai,' as LXX. not Peshito.
3 Cf. S. Cyril. Hom. Pasch. xxx. near the beginning.
4 Numb. ix. 2; Ps. lxxxi. 3; Nah. i. 15.
7 Cf. Clemens Alex. Strom. 7. 1. adialeiptoj agaph. Also 1 Thess v. 16, 1 Thess. v. 17, both in the Greek and in the Syriac vers. and Letter 11.
8 Apparently a quotation from Scripture, perhaps from Jer. vii. the phraseology of v. 28. being transferred to the sentiment of v. 34. The expression has already occurred, Letter 2. 4.
15 Cf. Letter 2, near beginning.
16 1 Tim. iv. 14; Prov. xii. 11; Ib. xv. 19; Jer. iv. 3.
17 skandalizetai, Matt. xiii. 21.
19 Deut. iv. 24; Deut. ix. 3; and Heb. xii. 29.
24 Conf. S. Athan. Expos. in Psalmos, t. i. p, 863. tur wsper nohton, thn tou agiou Pneumatoj meqecin embalwn.
27 Jer. xx. 9, cf. Letter 49. 5.
29 Ezek. xviii. 23, Ezek. xviii. 32.
47 Exod. xii. 7, Exod. xii. 23.
1 The Syriac text has 17th instead of 7th. There is the same error in the index. The correct day is given towards the end of the Letter.
2 There is sometimes a difficulty, in the absence of independent testimony, in ascertaining the exact orthography of the proper names, from the loose manner in which they are written in the Syriac. Here, however, it is clearly Hyginus, as in Sozomen, lib. ii. c. 25, Larsow writes it Eugenius. He has also the 46th instead of the 48th of the Diocletian Aera. The word `Fabius' is not clear. In Baronii Annal. Eccles, however, we find it Ovinius.
3 See note 6 at the end of the Letter.
4 In the index it is stated that the third, but not that the fourth, Letter was sent late, but see Letter 3, note 1.
5 i.e. too late to give notice of the beginning of Lent, infr, §5, and Letter 5, §6.
6 Constantine, in his letter, supr. p. 133, speaks of the envy of the accusers of Athan. and of their unsuccessful efforts to criminate him.
8 toij thj sarkoj epitimwntej paqesin. S. Cyril. Hom. Pasch. xx.
11 Cf. Esther ix. 20-28; Judith ix. xv.
12 Conf. S. Cyril. Hom. Pasch. xxiv. p. 293. Ed. paris, 1638.
16 Ps. xcvii. 1; Ps. cxxxvii. 1.
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