1 This section is preserved in the Coptic (Memphitic) Life of S. Theodore (Amálineau Ann. du Musée Guimet. xvii. p. 239). Its contents and the context in which it is quoted appear decisive for its identification as part of Letter 39. But the Letter from which the fragment comes is stated in the context to have been received by Theodore in the spring previous to his death. If Theodore died in 364, as seems probable on other grounds (see p. 569, note 3), the speech from which our fragment comes must have been written for him by his biographer. This is not unlikely, nor does it throw any suspicion on the genuineness of the fragment itself.
2 Copt. apogrammwn: astrological charts or tables appear to be meant.
3 The remainder of the thirty-ninth Letter has long been before the world, having been preserved, with the heading of the Letter, in the original Greek, by Theodorus Balsamon. It may be found in the first volume of the Benedictine edition of the works of S. Athan. tom. i. p. 767. ed. 1777. [Migne, ubi supra]. A Syriac translation of it was discovered by Cureton in an anonymous Commentary on the Scriptures in the collection of the British Museum (Cod. 12, 168). This translation commences only at the quotation from S. Luke. The Syriac is apparently the work of a different translator.
7 i.e. Baruch vi.-The Syriac has the conjunction, which is rejected by the Benedictine editors.
1 The following fragments are, except Letter 44, preserved in the original Greek, by Cosmas (Migne xxvi. 1440 sqq.).
1 Phil. iii. 20 Heb. xiii. 14.
2 This fragment is the latest writing of Athanasius that we possess.
1 This and the following letters were first printed by Scipio Maffei from a Latin ms. in the Chapter Library of Verona, along with the Historia Acephala. They were included in Galland, Bibl. Patr. vol. 5, and in Justiniani's Ed. of Athanasius (Padua, 1777). The letters are printed in Migne, xxvi. 1333, sqq., along with one (from the same source) addressed by the Council to the Mareotic Churches. Hefele doubts their genuineness, but without reason (ii. 166, E. Tra.) The list of signatures (an independent source of information, supr. p. 147) alone proves the contrary. The two letters may be taken as a supplement to the documents given, Apol. c. Ar. 37-50 (see also p. 147), with which they have many points of resemblance. The Latin is very bad and occasionally without sense; it bears clear traces of being a rendering by an unskilful hand from Greek.
2 In the letter referred to in note 1.
3 i.e. has given notice to those places of their deposition
5 For the probably correct names and sees, see p. 147, sq. The asterisk denotes signatories of the letter of the Council to the Mareotis, the numbers in brackets denote those of the list on pp. 147, sq.
6 There was divided into seven districts. Herod. iv. 153.
7 These two sees are a puzzle.
8 These two sees are a puzzle.
9 Probably Canusium, the name of Stercorius being lost, lurks in this corruption.
11 Aeni in Thrace. D.C.B. iv. 75 (3).
13 59 signatures, to which add Stercorius (note 8) and Athanasius, making 61.
2 Cf. Hist. Ar. and Introd. Fialon, p. 209, remarks on the uncritical adoption (by Fleury and his plagiarist Rohrbacher) of these satirical colloquies as an authentic account of what was actually said.
3 Lat. `quaecunque miserrimos videntes accusatores, testes prae oculis habentes:' apparently a barbarous rendering of idontej kai tonj par' autwn paqontaj, touj kathgorouj, touj elegxouj pro ofqalmwn exontej, as in Apol. Ar. 45.
4 `Granditer erraverunt,' either for makran apefugon, or for sfodra eplhmmelhsan: no verb elsewhere used in this connection in Athanasius exactly corresponds to `erraverunt,' nor is the flight to Philippopolis elsewhere compared, as here, to that of Cain. But the latter comparison is often used by Ath. in other connections.
5 illis ...erat dolor communis illo tempore quo processistis The Latin has quite lost the sense.
6 For the filoptwxia of Athanasius, cf. Hist. Ar. 61, Vit. Ant. 17, 30, and the stress laid on the hardship of the artoi (as here) in Encycl. 4, Hist. Ar. ubi supr. and 72.
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