1 Placed in 372.

2 Theodotus of Nicopolis was distressed at Basil's being in communion with Eustathius.

1 Placed in 372.

2 On the removal of Elias.

1 Placed in 372.

2 On the whole circumstances of the difficulties which arose in consequence of the civil division of Cappadocia, and the claim put forward in consequence by Anthimus, bp. of Tyana, to exercise metropolitan jurisdiction, see the biographical notice in the Prolegomena.

3 i.e. of the Incarnation. cf. note on p. 7, and on Theodoret, p. 72.

1 Placed in 372.

2 On a proposed meeting of bishops, with an allusion to the consecration of the younger Gregory.

3 Tillemont supposes the reference to be to Gregory of Nyssa. Maran, however (Vit. Bas. xxiv.), regards this as an error, partly caused by the introduction into the text of the word e'mo/n, which he has eliminated; and he points out the Gregory of Nyssa, however unwilling to accept consecration, never objected after it had taken place, and was indeed sent to Nazianzus to console the younger Gregory of that place in his distress under like circumstances. Moreover, Gregory of Nyssa was consecrated n the ordinary manner on the demand of the people and clergy with the assent of the bishops of the province. (cf. Letter ccxxv.) Gregory the younger, however, was consecrated to Sasima without these formalities.

1 Placed in 372.

2 cf. Letter ccxiv. On Terentius vide Amm. Marcellinus, xxvii. 12 and xxxi. He was an orthodox Christian, though in favour with Valens. In 372 he was in command of twelve legions in Georgia, and Basil communicates with him about providing bishops for the Armenian Church. According to some manuscripts of Letter cv., q.v., his three daughters were deaconesses.

3 katagagw/n. So six mss., but the Ben. Ed. seem rightly to point out that the invitation never resulted in actual "conducting."

4 i.e.The Armenian Nicopolis.

1 Placed in 372.

2 cf. Letters clxxvi. and cclii. Eupsychius suffered for the part he took in demolishing the Temple of Fortune at Caesarea. cf. Sozomen, Ecc. Hist. v. 11. An Eupsychius appears in the Bollandist acts under April 9th. Vide Prolegomena.

3 The Ben. note, in answer to the suggested unlikelihood of Basil's being plotted against by his brother, calls attention to the fact that this opposition was due not to want of affection but to want of tact, and compares Letter lviii. on Gregory's foolish falsehood about their uncle.

1 Placed in 372.

2 To the title has been added "to the wife of Arinthaeus," but no manuscript known to the Ben. Ed. contained it.

3 1 Thess. iv. 12.

1 Placed in 372.

2 On the appointment of a bishop for that see in the North East of Armenia Minor.

3 cf. Zech. ii. 8.

4 the relative referred to is Poemenius. cf. Letter cxxii.

1 Of the same date as the preceding.

1 Placed in 372.

2 On the rating of the clergy.

3 tou=j tou= qeou= i 9erwmenouj, presbute/rouj kai\ diako/nouj. The Ben. note points out that the words priests and deacons probably crept into the mss., in all of which it is found, from the margin, inasmuch as by i 9erwme/nouj and cognate words Basil means the whole clergy. cf. Letter liv. and note on p. 157.

1 Placed in 372.

2 cf. Letter xcix. and note.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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