2 Compare Letters clxxxvi. and clxxxvii.
3 Possibly the person to whom the disturbance at Palladia's house was due.
2 The translation of Sec. 1, down to "medical men," is partly Newman's.
3 On Evagrius, known generally as Evagrius of Antioch, to distinguish him from Evagrius the historian, see especially Theodoret, Ecc. Hist. v. 23. He had travelled to Italy with Easebius of Vercellae. His communication to Basil from the Western bishops must have been disappointing and unsatisfactory. On his correspondence with Basil, after his return to Antioch, see Letter clvi. His consecration by the dying Paulinus in 388 inevitably prolonged the disastrous Meletian schism at Antioch.
4 i.e. that Basil, as primate, should either consecrate them an orthodox bishop, or, if this was impossible under Valens, should take them under his own immediate episcopal protection.
6 He was succeeded by Joh I. cf. Letter clxi. and note.
2 On the cruel persecution roused by Valens in Alexandria shortly after the death of Athanasius in 373, and the horrors perpetrated there, see the letter of Peter, Athanasius' successor, in Theod. iv. 19.
3 e'n th= politei\a kama/touj; or, possibly, labours in life, i.e. ascetic life. The Ben. ed. prefer the latter.
3 Here follows in the text the Nicene Creed with the anathemas. The Ben. note points out that the Nicene Creed was brought to Caesarea by St. Leontius, and was vigorously defended by his successor Hermogenes. cf. Letter lxxxi. Dianius, who next followed in the see, signed several Arian formulae. The Nicene Creed, however, had been maintained at Caesarea, and in Letter li. Dianius is described as supporting it.
2 On his being hindered from traveling by ill health, and on his difficulties with the bishops in communion with him.
4 The Ben. note is: "Canones illos qui apostolis affict fuere, nonnunquam citat Basilius in Epsitolis canonics. Videtur hol loco respicere ad vigesimum (?xxxvii.) septimum,ubi praescibitur, ut in unaquaque provincia episcopi nihil majoris rei incipiant sine sententia illius, qui inter eos primus, ac unus quisque iis contentus sit, quae ad paroeciam suam pertinent: sed nec ille absque omnium voluntate quidquam faciat. Erat Basilius hujus canonis observandi studiosus, et quamvis noninis fama et sidis dignitate plurimum posset, nunquam ab eo communionis restitutionem impetrare potuerunt Marcelli discipuli, antequam Petri Alexandrini auctoritates accesisset: et cum ab Episcopis in Palaestina Exsulantibus non ex spectato aliorum Episcoporum consensu restiuti fuissent, factum moleste tulit et libere reprehendit ." Epist. cclxv.
2 On the exemption of hospitals form taxation.
3 cf. Letters c. and cclii., and note on p. 184.
1 Of the same date as the preceding.
2 On a possible visit of Eusebius to Caesarea.
4 "Vita vere mortalis spes est vitae immortalis." St. Augustine in Ps. iii. "Spes aeternitatem animum ergit, et idcirco nulla mala sentit." St. Greg., Moral. cf. Ovid. I. Pon. 7:
Quamvis est igitur meritis indebita nostris,
Magna tamen spes est in bonitate Dei.
2 Nephew of Eusebius, who had written a salutation in his uncle's letter. cf. Letter clxviii.
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