1 Placed in 375.

2 On Poemenius, bishop of Satala in Armenia. cf. p. 185.

3 i.e. Theodotus. cf. Letter cxxi. and cxxx. pp. 193 and 198.

1 Of the same date as the preceding.

2 tou= kalou=, or "the good man:" i.e. Euphronius.

3 Tit. i. 9. cf. 1 Tim. i. 15; 1 Tim. iii. 1; 2 Tim. ii, 11; and Tit. iii. 8.

1 Placed in 375.

2 It is doubtful whether this Elpidius is to be identified with any other of the same name mentioned in the letters.

3 On the withdrawal of Gregory of Nyssa, cf. note, p. 267.

4 Doara was one of the bishoprics in Cappadocia Secunda under Tyana; now Hadji Bektash. Ramsay, Hist. Geog. Asia Minor p. 287.

5 i.e. Demosthenes. Such language may seem inconsistent with the tone of Letter ccxxv., but that, it will be remembered, was an official and formal document, while the present letter is addressed to an intimate friend.

1 Placed in 376. Maran, Vit. Bas. xxxv., thinks that this letter is to be placed either in the last days of 375, if the Nativity was celebrated on December 25, or in the beginning of 376, if it followed after the Ephphany. The Oriental usage up to the end of the fourth century, was to celebrate the Nativity and Baptism on January 6. St. Chrysostom, in the homily on the birthday of our Saviour, delivered c. 386, speaks of the separation of the celebration of the Nativity from that of the Ephphany as comparatively recent. cf D. C. A., 1, pp. 361, 617

2 i.e the incarnation. cf. pp. 7 and 12, n.

3 The reading of the Ben ed. is lamphnw=n. The only meaning of lamph/nh in Class. Greek is a kind of covered carriage, and the cognate adj. lauph/nikoj is used for the covered waggons of Numb. vii. 3 in the LXX. But the context necessitates some such meaning as lamp or candle. Ducange s.v. quotes John de Janua "Lampenae sunt stellae fulgentes." cf. Italian Lampana i.e. lamp.

1 Placed in 376.

2 St. Basil's word may point either at the worshippers of a golden image in a shrine in the ordinary sense, or at the state of things where, as A. H. Clough has it, "no golden images may be worshipped except the currency."

3 cf. Gal. v. 19, 20, 21.

4 h 9 au'toalh/qeia.

5 1 Cor. xiii. 10.

1 Placed in 376.

2 Heb. xi. 6.

3 John i. 18.

4 a'gennhsi/a. cf. Prolegomena on the Books against Eunomius, and p. 39. n.

5 cf. Matt. ix. 28.

1 Placed in 376.

2 cf. Rom i. 20.

3 A various reading gives the sense "but do not know what is beyond my comprehension."

4 1 Cor. xiii. 9.

5 1 Cor. xiii. 10.

6 Gal. iii. 1.

7 Gal. iv. 9.

8 Is. i. 3.

9 Is. i. 3.

10 Ps. lxxix. 6.

11 Referred by the Ben. Ed. to Ex. xxv. 21 and 22. The first clause is apparently introduced from Ex. xvi. 34.

12 2 Tim. ii. 19.

13 Gen. iv. 1.

14 Gen. xxiv. 16.

15 Luke i. 34.

1 This letter is also dated in 376, and treats of further subjects not immediately raised by the De Spiritu Sancto: How the prediction of Jermiah concerning Jeconiah; Of an objection of the Encratites; Of fate; Of emerging in baptism; Of the accentuation of the word fa/goj; Of essence and hypostasis; Of the ordaining of things neutral and indifferent.

2 Mark xiii. 32.

3 Mark x. 18. i.e. in Adv. Eumon. iv. vide Proleg.

4 The manuscripts at this point are corrupt and divergent.

5 Matt. xi. 27.

6 Matt. xxiv. 36.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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