7 1 Cor. i. 24.

8 Matt. xxiv. 6.

9 John iv. 7.

10 cf. Ep. cclxi. 2. The reference is to the system of Apollinarius, which denied to the Son a yuxxh/ logikh/ or reasonable soul.

11 oi\konomikw=j, i.e. according to the oecconomy of the incarnation. cf. note on p. 7.

12 Luke ii. 52.

13 Matt. xxiv. 36. R.V. in this passage inserts "Neither the Son," on the authority of §, B. D. Plainly St. Basil knew no such difference of reading. On the general view taken by the Fathers on the self-limitation of the Saviour, cf. C. Gore's Bampton Lectures (vi. p. 163, and notes 48 and 49, p. 267)

14 Mark xiii. 32.

15 John xvi. 15.

16 John x. 15.

17 Jer. xxii. 28-30, LXX.

18 Gen. xlix. 10.

19 Is. xi. 10. The LXX. is kai\ o 9nista/menoj a!rxein e'qnw=n.

20 Is. xlii. 6, and 2 Kings vii. 13.

21 Gen. xxii. 18.

22 Amphilochius's doubt may have arisen from the fact that fago/j, the Doric form of fhgo/j, the esculent oak of Homer, is oxytone.

23 "a'su/gxutoj," unconfounded, or without confusion, is the title of Dialogue II. of Theodoret. cf. p. 195. n.

24 The Benedictine note is Videtur in Harlaeano codice scriptum prima manu ei\j to\n qeo/n. Their reading is eij to\ qei=on pneu=ma to\ a!gion. cf. Ep. viii., § 2, where no variation of mss. is noted and Ep. cxli, both written before he was bishop. cf. Proleg. Gregory of Nazianzus, Or. xliii., explains the rationale of St. Basil's use of the word "God," of the Holy Ghost; alike in his public and private teaching he never shrank from using it, whenever he could with impunity, and his opinions were perfectly well known, but he sought to avoid the sentence of exile at the hands of the Arians by its unnecessary obtrusion. He never uses it in his homily De Fide, and the whole treatise De Spiritu Sancto, while it exhaustively vindicates the doctrine, ingeniously steers clear of the phrase.

25 pro/swpa.

26 The Ben. Edd. note "Existimat Combefisius verbum metasxhmati/zeoqai sic reddendum esse, in various formas mutari. Sed id non dicebat Sabellius. Hoc tantum dicebat, ut legimus in Epist. ccxiv. Unum quidem hypostasi Deum esse, sed sub diveris personis a Scripturare praesentari. According to Dante the minds of the heresiarchs were to Scripture as had mirrors, reflecting distorted images; and, in this sense, metasxhmatizein might be applied rather to them.

"Si fe Sabellio ed Arro e quegli stolti,

Che furon come spade alle scritture

In render torti li dir itti volti."

Par. xiii. 123 (see Cary's note).

27 e'c oi1konomi/aj. In Ep. xxxi. Basil begins a letter to Eusebius of Samosata: "The dearth has not yet left us, we are therefore compelled still to remain in the town, either for stweardship's sake or for sympathy with the afflicted." Here the Benedictines' note is Saepe apud Basilium oikonomi/a dicitur id quod pauperibus distribuitur. Vituperat in Comment. in Isa. praesules qui male patram peouniam accipiunt vel ad suos usus, h@ e'pi\ lo/gw th=j tw=n ptwxeuo/ntwn e'n th= 0Ekklhsi/a olkonomi/aj, vel per causam distribuendi pauperibus Ecclesiae. In epistola 92 Orientales inter mala Ecclesiae illud etiam deplorrant quod ambitiosi praesules oi'konom as aj ptwxwn, pecunias pauperibus destinatas in suos usus convertant.

1 Placed in 376.

2 paroiki/a.cf. p. 163, n.

3 i.e. at Ancyra.

4 i.e. at Parnassus. Parnassus is placed by Ramsay at a ford a few miles higher up the Halys than Tchikin Aghyl. (Hist Geog. of Asia Minor, p. 255.)

5 f. Acts ix. 1.

6 fulokrinw=n. The word occurs also in the De Sp. S. § 74, and in Letter cciv. § 2. Another reading in this place is filokrinw=n, "picking out his friends."

7 Mansi iii. 502. The fruitlessness of Ancyra necessitated a second. On Gregory's deposition and banishment, see Greg. Nyss., De Vit Macr. ii. 192, and Ep. xviii. and xxii. Also Greg. Naz., Ep. cxlii.

8 Tillemont supposes this to refer to some one sent on a visitation to the Churches. The Ben. note prefers to apply it to the unknown intruder into the see of Nyssa, of whom Basil speaks with yet greater contempt in Letter ccxxxix.

9 i.e. Fronto.

1 Placed in 376.

2 On the appointment of Fronto to succeed Theodotus.

3 Ps. xci. 1, LXX.

4 Hab. ii. 3.

1 Placed in 376.

2 0Ioudai!kh=j a 9lw/sewj, which the Ben. note is no doubt right in referring to the events of 70.

3 The sudden change from the vaguer plural marks thestrong contempt of the writer for the individual pointed at.

4 The paronomasia in a!ndra and a'ndra/podon is untranslatable.

5 Sanctissimus, the envoy of Damasus, seems to have paid two visits to the East. For letters of introduction given him by Basil, see Letters cxx., ccxxi., ccxxv., ccliv., cxxxii., and ccliii.

6 Homer, Il. ix. 695-5 (Chapman).

7 cf. Letter lxix. p. 165.

1 Placed in 376.

2 cf. Heb. xii. 4.

3 kateca/nqh. cf. the use of katacai/nw (=card or comb) in the Letter of the Smyrneans on the Martyrdom of Polycarp, § 2 on the difference between the persecution of the Catholics by Valens and that of the earlier Christians by earlier emperors, though exile and confiscation were suffered in Basil's time.

4 cf. Acts v. 41.

5 xoiste/mporoi. cf. the use of the cognate subst. xristem popi/a in the letter of Alexander of Alexandria in Theodoret, Ecc. Hist. i. 3. xriste/mpopoj occurs in the Didache, § 12, and in the Pseud. Iq., eg., ad Mag. ix.

6 i\ereu=si. cf. note in Letter liv. p. 157.

7 cf. Matt. iv. 24.

1 Placed in 376.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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