1 The people demanded, requested, or acclaimed some one as bishop [postulavit], and he was then elected, if they thought well, by the clergy. St. Ambrose makes this clear [Ep. XV. 12], saying of Acholius. "Ad summum sacerdotium a Macedonicis obsecratus populis, electus a sacerdotibus."

2 S. Matt. xviii. 21.

3 S. John i. 26.

4 Ps. xix. [xviii.] 1.

5 Acts vii. 56.

6 Dan. vii. 9.

7 Ps. lxxxii. [lxxxi.] 1.

8 There were two apostate monks, followers apparently of Jovinian, who was condemned by synods at Rome and Milan a.d. 390.

9 1 Cor. ix. 27.

10 S. John ii. 19.

11 1 Cor. v. 9.

12 This was one of the errors of Jovinian.

13 1 Cor. v. 10, 1 Cor. v. 11.

14 Eph. v. 3.

15 Eph. v. 5.

16 Rom. vi. 3.

17 Rom. viii. 17.

18 1 Cor. x. 7.

19 See de Off. i. 50.

20 Who this may be is unknown, and the name, even, owing to various readings, is uncertain.

21 S. Matt. iv. 3.

22 S. Matt. iv. 4.

23 S. Matt. xvii. 21.

24 Acts x. 10.

25 Ex. xxxiv. 28.

26 Dan. vi. Dan. vii.

27 Tobit xii. 8, Tobit xii. 9.

28 1 Cor. xv. 32.

29 1 Cor. xv. 33.

30 Demarchus is mentioned by no writer besides St. Ambrose. The Benedictine editors suggest that Hermachus is meant, who succeeded Epicurus as leader of his school.

31 Acts xvii. 18.

32 Gen. ix. 20.

33 1 Tim. v. 23.

34 1 [3] Kings xix. 6.

35 Ex. xvii. 6.

36 Dan. i. 8.

37 Dan. vi. 22.

38 Dan. iii. 27.

39 Judg. xiii. i6.

40 Esth. iv. 16.

41 S. Luke ii. 37.

42 2 [4] Kings iv. 39.

43 Ezra vii. 6.

44 2 Cor. xi. 27.

45 Isa. lviii. 11.

46 Ps. xxiii. [xxii.] 5 [LXX.].

47 Ecclus. xviii. 30, Ecclus. xviii. 31.

48 Ecclus. xix. 2.

49 Col. i. 9.

50 i.e. Miriam, the Hebrew form of the name.

51 Ex. xv. 20.

52 1 Cor. vii. 25.

53 Cant. iv. 12.

54 2 Cor. xi. 2.

55 1 Cor. vii. 26.

56 1 Cor. vii. 32.

57 Rom. xiv. 2.

58 1 Cor. vii. 37-40.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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