2 De latere meo .This is interesting as an early instance of the use of this expression for the legates of the pope (now so familiar): even though Quesnel is incorrect in saying for certain that Leo is the first Bishop of Rome who employed them. He himself quotes Concil. Sardic., canon 7, where the fathers ask the Roman bishop to send some one e latere suo (a.d. 347).

3 Gal. i. 9.

4 I cannot doubt he has 1 Tim. iii. 27, me/ga e0sti to\ th=j e\usebei/aj musth/rion (here sacramentum as usual) in his mind, though the Gk. translator apparently did not see it, his version being utterly inaccurate (peri\ de\ thj= a9gio/thtoj pi/stewj ).

5 Viz. ,LetterXXVIII.(TheTome).

1 This letter has a note prefixed to it in some Gk. and Latin mss. to the effect that it was produced but suppressed, and not allowed to be read through Dioscorus. Bishop Of Alexandria.

2 S. Matt. xvi. 13 and 16

3 Utrumque (Gk.e9ka/teron) unus.

4 S. Matt. xvi. 17, 18.

5 Cf. Lett. XXI. ,chaps. i. And ii.

6 See Lett. XXVII. , n.7.

7 Phil. ii. 10.

1 1 Cor. i. 10.

2 See Lett. XX. , above.

3 See Lett,XXXII., n. 9, above.

4 This letter (XXXIV.) is written on the same day and subject and to the same person as the next letter (XXXV.): the differences between them being (l) the greater length and fuller treatment of the second; and (2) that the one is entrusted to Leo's legates, the other to Julius' own messenger, Basil the deacon; and (3) that the shorter has no Gk. version as the longer has. I think the Ballerinii are undoubtedly right in facing the difficulty boldly, the evidence of the mss. being invariable, except that XXXIV. is only found in a few collections: and I would suggest that XXXIV. is a formal, official communication, and XXXV. a private, confidential one. This will account for the difference of messengers, and the identity of date, subject and person addressed, and is justifiable as a piece of necessary diplomatic secrecy. In XXX. and XXXI. we have another instance of two letters. to the same person on the same day, one of these (XXXI.) being also without a Gk. version this time the longer one : but here we have adopted the Ballerinii's suggestion that only the first was sent. It should further be noticed that out of the very large batch of letters that are dated the 13th of June which includes the Tome (8 in all. XXVIII.-XXXV.), it may well have been convergent to delay one and send it by another hand.

1 See Lett. XXXIV., chap. ii. n. 5.

2 The Gk. version here adds and "from the very conception of the Virgin," but this is probably only a repetition of the words "of the Virgin's womb," just above.

3 It can escape no one that he is here, and frequently throughout this letter, quoting from the Creed.

4 Sacramenta

5 i.e. shall the signs of His being God. Which are undoubted, and the signs that He had a body of some sort be allowed to prove Him one with the Creator of the world, but not go so far as to show that that body which He had was a fully human one ?

6 So that-in death, bracketed by the editors as not being translated in the Gk. version, and perhaps here we have a gloss to explain the somewhat obscure words that precede it: but throughout this letter large portions are so bracketed in each case the Gk. Version omitting them. ,

7 1 Tim. ii. 5.

8 Col. ii. 9.

9 Phil. ii. 9-11.

10 Cf. the Tome, Lett. XXVII., chap. vi., n. 5.

11 Cf. Lett. XV., chap. xi., n. 6.

12 Here again the second clause (in brackets) seems a gloss on the first, see n. 2, above: what is meant will be seen by comparing S. Paul's famous disquisition (Rom. vii.)

1 This letter is on the same subject as Lett. XXIX. above, but as the wording of it contains some interesting matter, it is here given in full. There is no Gk. version extant, and how there came to be two letters within a week of one another on the same topic is not clear.

2 Cf. Lett. XXIX. above, and especially XXXI., chap. iv., where the reasons are given rather more fully.

1 If we are right in thinking that Lett. XXXVI. is Leo's acknowledgment of Flavian's second letter (XXVI.), this (which again has no Gk. version) must be an acknowledgment of yet a third, not extant, sent by the hand of one Basil, the deacon who is probably the same as Julian's messenger (XXXV., chap. I ).

2 Phil. i. 28.

3 1 Tim. iii. 16: the reading here is quod manifestum est in carne , in agreement with the general Western usage.

4 Sc. the Tome (XXVIII.).

1 Curarum tuarum principes.

2 Frequenter, four times in all ( Letters XXVII., XXVIII., XXXVI. and XXXVIII.).

3 This must be in the third lost letter to which we have assumed Lett. XXXVIII. to be an answer.

1 These twelve bishops do not include the Bishop of Vienne, according to Perthel (p. 29). following apparently Quesnel, whose wish-fathered thought, though possibly right, has little evidence to go upon. Cf. Letters LXV. and LXVI. below.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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