1 i.e. by carrying out your plan. The appeal to the Emperor's orthodoxy must be regarded as diplomatic rather than accurate for Leo was the nominee of Arianism, if not himself an Arian.

2 Per illius principalis petroe oedificationem : here petra is apparently Christ Himself, cf. Letter XXVIII. chap. 5, and Bright's n. 64.

3 S. Matt. xvi. 18.

4 Sc. Timothy Aelurus.

5 Pervasione, others read persuasione(false opinion).

6 These had come, one from either side, as the sequel shows:That of the catholics was signed by fourteen bishops, four presbyters, and two deacons (Ball.).

7 Audiri : others auderi (to have been ventured on).

8 S. Luke xix. 46.

9 Cf. Serm. LXVI. chap. 2, nobiscum est signaculum circumcisionis, sanctificationo chrismatum, consecratio saceraotum : see Bright's n. 90, from which we learn that "this chrism was that which, from the second century, had been administered in connection with Confirmation." This rite, which had at first been part of the Baptism itself, was now apparently performed at a shorter or longer interval after Baptism according to the convenience of the Bishop: cf. Serm. LXXVII. 1.

10 Viz. Letters CLXII., CLXIV., and esp. CLXV. (which last is in a large measure a rescription of Letter CXXIV. q.v.).

11 Two of these are mentioned by name subsequently, e.g. in Lett. CLVII. (to Anatolius ), chap 4, viz. Atticus a presbyter and Andrew, in which chapter he blames Anatolius severely for his double-dealing ( cogor vehementius de tua dissimulatione causari, etc.).

1 One of three Letters, the other two being CLIV. and CLX. first printed by Quesnel on the authority apparently of a single ms.(Codex Grimanicus), and addressed to the bishops (and clergy) who had fled out of Egypt to Constantinople in consequence of the recent disturbances. Letter CLX. mentions fifteen of them by name but is not otherwise so interesting as CLVIII., the one selected for translation.

2 Jer. ix. 1. (Vulg.)

3 Proterius had been slain in the baptistery die Coenoe Domini (? Thursday in Holy Week)

4 The ms. reads vel here, but I think the Ball. are right in maintaining that Leo does at times use vel for et.

5 Viz. Lett. CLVI q.v.

1 Prov. xix 14. (LXX.).

2 Matt. xix. 6.

3 There is little doubt, I think, that the return of the wife was at the husband's option in Leo's opinion, and could not be forced upon him.

4 Leo repeats this injunction in Letter CLXVI. chap. 2. and Lett. CLXVII., inquiry 18. Quesnel identifies this ceremony with the right of Confirmtation, but the Ballerinii are probably right in thinking this a mistake, and in identifying it with the manuum impositio in poenitentiam mentioned by Cyprian and other fathers. See Lett. CLXVI. chap. 2 n. 5b.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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