1 Cf. Lett. XCV. n. 6.

2 The number was 318: cf. Lett. CVI. 2, where the exact number is quoted and the explanation perhaps is given of Leo's epithet "mystic" here applied to it.

3 Col. ii. 8.

4 Gal. ii. 18.

5 Poculi esse viperei.

6 S. Matt. vii. 6.

7 Ps. xviii. 44 (Vulg.).

8 Tit. i. 16.

9 Sc. in the persons of Proterius and Timothy Aelulrus.

10 Sc. in the persons of Proterius and Timothy Aelulrus.

1 Portions of this letter are found quoted by various ancient Fathers. e.g. by Popes Vigilius and Pelagius II. in the sixth cent; by Facundus, bishop of Hermioe, in the same century. and almost one half of the whole by Prudentius, bishop of Troyes (ninth cent.) in his famous treatise on Predestination against John Scotus Erigena. Quesnel, however, appears to have been the first to print it as a whole ex codice Grimanico ; after which the Ball. also discovered it in the Ratisbon ms.

2 Loosely quoted from 2 Tim. ii. 14.

3 1 Cor. i. 17-20.

4 1 John iv. 2, 3. For the reading solvit (dissolves), cf. Lett. XXVIII. (Tome), chap. 5 and note.

5 Tit. iii. 10, 11.

6 S. Luke xxiii. 34.

7 Viz. Lett. CLXII. chap. iii.

1 Viz. Eph. iv. 5. It will be remembered that the practice of rebaptism was very definitely condemned in the times of S. Cyprian (3rd cent.), who himself went wrong in advocating it in the case of heretics.

2 See n. 2 to Lett. CLIX. chap. 8.

1 The date of this important letter has been variously conjectured, Quesnel assigning it to the years 442-4, Sirmond and Baluze to 452, and the Ball. preferring 458 or 9.

2 It is an inscription quoted from Gruter and Baluze by Quesnel Hermes is mentioned as diacunus to Rusticus episcopus. He was afterwards made bp of Biterra, but being unfairly expelled by that city, he succeeded Rusticus in Narbonensis.

3 Honorati.

4 Tuoe, others suoe (the bishops).

5 Eccl. vii. 17 (A.V. overwicked)

6 S. Matt. xxiv. 13.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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