7 2 Tim. iii. 12.

8 The thought of this fine passage is more fully worked out in Sermon XLVIII., chap. 2 and 3. Cf. esp. the remark, bellum vitiis potius quam hominibus indicunt, "nulli malum pro malo reddentes" sed correctionem peccantium semper optantes.

9 S. Matt. xxviii. 20.

10 S. John xvi. 33.

11 The same requisites of ordination of bishops are laid down in Lett. X. chap. 6.

12 1 Sam. ii. 25.

13 The order of sub-deacons (acc. to Quesnel) is here particularly meant: cf. Lett. XIV. chap. 4. The readers (lectores) mentioned below were of course one of the Minor Orders of clergy: cf. Bingham, Antiq. Bk.V. chap. iii.

14 1 Cor. vii. 29. This was also provided by the Apostolic canons (quoted by Quesnel). episcopus aut presbyter uxorem propriam nequaquam sub obteniu religionis abiciat.

15 Gal. iv. 30, from Gen. xxi. 10.

16 1 Cor. vi. 12.

17 2 Tim. ii. 4.

18 On these points, cf. Letter CLXVI., to Neo, bp. of Ravenna.

19 Viz. the sacred elements of the Eucharist.

20 On these points, cf. Letter CLXVI., to Neo, bp. of Ravenna.

1 This is another Timothy surnamed Solophaciolus, supposed to be the same as that Timotheos presbyter et oeconomus Ecclesioe, mentioned among the Eyptian refugees who petitioned the Emperor against Aelurus.

2 2 Tim. iii. 5, and Tit. i. 16.

3 Apparently to be allowed to reside in Constantinople (or perhaps at this stage to remain in Alexandria).

4 See Lett CLXII. n. 2a.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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