8 The thought of this fine passage is more fully worked out in Sermon XLVIII., chap. 2 and 3. Cf. esp. the remark, bellum vitiis potius quam hominibus indicunt, "nulli malum pro malo reddentes" sed correctionem peccantium semper optantes.
11 The same requisites of ordination of bishops are laid down in Lett. X. chap. 6.
13 The order of sub-deacons (acc. to Quesnel) is here particularly meant: cf. Lett. XIV. chap. 4. The readers (lectores) mentioned below were of course one of the Minor Orders of clergy: cf. Bingham, Antiq. Bk.V. chap. iii.
14 1 Cor. vii. 29. This was also provided by the Apostolic canons (quoted by Quesnel). episcopus aut presbyter uxorem propriam nequaquam sub obteniu religionis abiciat.
15 Gal. iv. 30, from Gen. xxi. 10.
18 On these points, cf. Letter CLXVI., to Neo, bp. of Ravenna.
19 Viz. the sacred elements of the Eucharist.
20 On these points, cf. Letter CLXVI., to Neo, bp. of Ravenna.
1 This is another Timothy surnamed Solophaciolus, supposed to be the same as that Timotheos presbyter et oeconomus Ecclesioe, mentioned among the Eyptian refugees who petitioned the Emperor against Aelurus.
2 2 Tim. iii. 5, and Tit. i. 16.
3 Apparently to be allowed to reside in Constantinople (or perhaps at this stage to remain in Alexandria).
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