23 Bishop of Syracuse. Cf. V. 17.
24 Adrian, previously addressed as notarius Sicilae (X.. 23), had been succeeded by Pantaleo and made rector patrimonii (XIII. 18).
25 The person thus sent was Boniface (see below, Ep. XL., and XIV. 8), who afterwards became pope.
26 See VII. 40 for Gregory's view of the three sees of Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, all representing the see of St. Peter.
27 Eulogias, apparently in the same sense as benedictiones, used elsewhere as denoting presents.
2 Sacerdotes, here as elsewhere meaning bishops.
3 "Convertit in monasterio." Conversio, as usually, means here monastic profession.
4 As to this Pomponiana (al. Pompeiana), cf. I.48; XI. 25.
5 Bishop of Catana in Sicily. Cf. IV. 36.
6 Castrum Cassiopi, which appears to have been a fortress in the isle of Corcyra, to which refugees from the mainland of Epirus had resorted in time of war. Euria was one of the sees in Epirus Vetus under the jurisdiction of which these refugees had been ; and it seems that the bishop of Euria had been complained of by Alcyson, bishop of Corcyra, for asserting jurisdiction over them in their new abode. See also E.p.VIII. which follows, and Ep. XIII.
7 Parochiam, in the then usual sense of what in now called a diocese.
10 i.e. the child had been baptized a catholic. It would seem from Gregory's way of speaking, and the absence of allusion to the conversion of the father, that king Agiluiph had not yet announced his Arianisrn. Paul Diaconus alleges that he did so eventually through the influence of Theodelinda.
11 The child who had been baptized (al. Adaloaldus, or Adoaldus). He succeeded his father as king of the Lombards, a.d. 616, being still a boy, reigning under his mother's guardianship. According to Paul Diaconus, Gregory's hopes were for a short time fulfilled :-"Under them Churches were restored. and many endowments were bestowed on venerable places;"-but before long he became insane, and after ten years (a.d. 626) was deposed, Arioald being appointed to succeed him (Hist. Longob. iv. 43).
12 On the subject of the "Three Chapters," as appears from what follows. It is evident that the able and conscientious queen Theodelinda never found herself able to accept the ruling of the See of Rome on this question (cf IV. 2, note 3); and she seems now to have employed the abbot Secundis to draw up a statement of the arguments on her side, inviting Gregory to reply to them. He did not, however, on this account cease to address her cordially as a good catholic. He seems to have condoned in her what he so strongly condemned in others as involving them in schism. On the schism arising from the matter of the "Three Chapters," see I. 16, note 3; and Prolegom., p. x.
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