2 It was during this period that St. Theodore, writing in 525 to Arsenius, observes: "Rome has not received it as an Ecumenical Council, but only as a provincial Synod, assembled to remedy a partlcuiar evil; Legates of the other Patriarchs were not there; those of Rome had come on different business: Legates, indeed, there were from the East, but they were brought by our deputies, not sent by tbeir Patriarchs, who knew nothing of the matter till after-wards. Our countrymen acted thus for the purpose of more easily bringing back the heretics by persuading them that it was an (cumenical Council." "Theodore, however, it is fair to add, afterwards changed his opinionon." Such is Dr. Neale's candid addmission. Hist. of the East. Ch., Vol.II., p.135. How often, alas has this passage been quoted by controversialists, and the word of waming to the reader been wholly omitted.

3 It is curious that Michaud (Sept. Conciles Oecuméniques. p. 294) should say "the title priest given to those who composed the book proves that no one of them was a bishop." The Latin is "Sacerdotum Praelatorum"!

4 Mansi, Tom. xii., 981,

5 Hefele. Hist. of Councils, Bk xx., chap. ij., §400.

6 "Here on the wall is an image of the Saint and under its feeta little window, and a lamp, in the glass bowl of which the fire burns." Fortun. (Migne., Pat. Lat., Tom. LXXXVIII.) De Vita S.Martin, Lib. iv., 690 (col. 426).

7 "And adore "In the Latin.

8 Michaud. Discussion sur les Sept Conciles Oecuméniques, p. 300.

9 This has been explained by saying that the last meeting was in the palace at Constantinople.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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