1 "Simples" (simplici) are distinguished from "doubles" (duplici)in not having their antiphons said double but only once.

1 I do not understand this note, as to-day in the Divine Office of the Greek Church the Psalms are still divided by Lessons. Vide The Horologion (w9ro/logion to\ me/ga) and an English translation by G. V. Shann, entitled Euchology, A Manual of Prayers of the Holy Orthodox Church.

1 Vide Tertullian.

2 Histoire du Bréviaire Romain. Paris. 1893. An English translation has since (1898) appeared by the Rev. A. M. Y. Bayley, which is not in principle changed so far as this discussion is concerned.

3 Longfellow. The Golden Legend II. Liddon's remarks upon this hymn are well worth the reader's attention, Bampton Lectures, Lect. VII., where Keble's translation will he found.

4 Taken from the Church Quarierly Review, 1898.

1 J.M. Neale. Essays on Liturgiology.

2 Acts ij. 42.

3 Pierre Le Brun. Explic. Tom. II.,Diss. j .p.II et seqq.

4 Probst. Liturgie der drei ersten Christichen Jarhunderten.

5 Apolog. Cap. LXVII.

6 I venture to draw the reader's attention to the rest of this article as containing information not readily found elsewhere.

7 The ms. from which this was printed was found in a library in Arezzo. Silvia was a lady of rank, living in the times of Theodosius, who madea pligrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Places from Meridian Gaul To us the chief interest of her book lies in the account she gives of the services. The following is the title, S. Silvioe Aquittane peregrinatio ad loca Sancta. It will be found in the Biblioteca dell' Accademia storica giuridica. Tom. IV. Rome, 1887, and again in the Studi e Documenti di storia e dir itto, April-September, 1888, and the liturgical parts in in appendix to Duchesne. Of the other books the best edition is Adolf Harnack's.

8 Bingham, Antiquities, XIII. 6.

9 Hammond. The Ancient Liturgy of Antiorh (Oxford, 1879).

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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