3 I give the reference as in Scudamore's Not. Euch. from whicn I have taken it. De Prom. et Praed. Dei; Dimid. Temp. c. 6; inter Opp. Prosperi. p.161. ed. 1609.
4 Cf. Scudamore, Not. Euch. p. 705.
5 Cf. Scudamore. Notit. Ruch. p.707.
6 W. E. Scudamore. Notitia Eucharistica [2d. Ed.] p. 1025.
7 Apost. Const. Lib. viii. cap. xiij. The word used is pastofo/riaoria, this may possibly mean a side chapel, and does occur in the Book of Maccabees in this sense; bnt its classical use is to signify the shrine of a god, and while so distinguished a writer as Pierre Le Brun adopts the later meaning, the no less famous Durant, together with most commentators, translate as I have done above. In either case for the preseut purpose, the quotation is conclnsive of the practice of the primitive church in regard to this matter. Liddell and Scott give "pastofo/roj, one carrying the image of a god in a shrine."
3 By no one has this whole matter of the translation of bishops been more carefully and thoroughly treated than by Thomassiuns, and in what follows I shall use his discussion as a thesaurus of facts. The title of his book is Ancienne et Nouvelle Discipline de l'Eglise (There is also an edition in Latin). In the Third Part. and the Second Book,
Chapter LX. treats of "Translations of bishops in the Latin Chmch during the first five centuries."
Chapter LXI. "Translations in the Eastern Church, during the first five centuries."
Chapter LXII. "Translation of bishops and bishoprics between the years five hundred and eight hundred."
Chapter LXIII. "Translation under the empire of Charlemagne and his descendants."
ChaPter LXIV. "Translation of bishops after the year one thousand."
Of all this I can in the text give but a brief resumé.
5 Thomassen, l. cit., Chap LI., §xiij..
6 This is Thomassinus's version of the matter, in fact the charge of heresy was also made against Anthimus, but his uncainonical translation was a real count in the accusation.
7 Juris. Orient. tom. 1. p.240, 241.
8 Ibid. p.5. I am not at all clear as to what this last phrase means.
9 Thomassin. lib cit.. chap. LXIV. §x.
10 I believe this is true of all churches, Catholic and Protestant, having an episcopal form of government (including the Protestant Church ot Sweden, and the Methodist Episcopal Church), with the exception of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, in which the ancient prohibition of the translation of diocesan bishops is observed in all its Nicene strictness.
1 Van Espen. Dissertatio de Usura, Art. 1.
2 Bossuet. Oeuvres Comp. xxxj.
3 Funk (Zins und Wucher, p.104) says that Eck and Hoogsträten had already verbally defended this distinction at Bologna.
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