The New Testament Commentary Vol III: John


B. W. Johnson

Table of Contents

About This Book

Based on both versions.



The Authorship.

The Author's Life.

The Place and Date.

Character of the Gospel.

The Analysis of John.

Chapter I.

Preliminary Note.

The Word Made Flesh.

Practical Observations.

The Witness of John.

Christ's Ministry Begins.

The First Disciples.

Practical Observations.

Note on “the Son of Man.”

Chapter II.

The First Miracle.

Practical Observations.

The Brethren of the Lord.

The Cleansing of the Temple.

Practical Observations.

Chapter III.

Christ and Nicodemus.

Practical Observations.

John at Ænon.

Practical Observations.

Chapter IV.

Jesus at the Well.

Practical Observations.

Sowing and Reaping.

Practical Observations.

The Nobleman's Son.

Practical Observations.

Chapter V.

Jesus at Bethesda.

Practical Observations.

The Glory of the Son.

Practical Observations.

Chapter VI.

The History of a Year.

The Five Thousand Fed.

Practical Observations.

Jesus the Bread of Life.

Practical Observations.

Feeding Upon Christ.

Practical Observations.

Note on the Jewish Synagogue.

Chapter VII.

The Feast of Tabernacles.

Jesus in the Temple.

Jesus the Christ.

Practical Observations.

Note on Demons.

Chapter VIII.

The Adulterous Woman.

Practical Observations.

The Light of the World.

Jesus and Abraham.

Practical Observations.

Chapter IX.

Jesus and the Blind Man.

Practical Observations.

Chapter X.

The Good Shepherd.

Practical Observations.

End of Three Months' Ministry in Jerusalem.

Practical Observations.

Chapter XI.

The Resurrection of Lazarus.

Practical Observations.

The Sanhedrim in Session.

Chapter XII.

Anointed for Burial.

Practical Observations.

Gentiles Seeking Christ.

Practical Observations.

The Cause of Unbelief.

Chapter XIII.

The Last Supper.

Practical Observations.

When Christ Ate the Passover.

Judas Exposed.

The Son of Man Glorified.

Practical Observations.

Chapter XIV.

The House of Many Mansions.

Practical Observations.

The Advocate Promised.

Practical Observations.

Chapter XV.

The True Vine.

Practical Observations.

The Church and the World.

Chapter XVI.

The Holy Spirit and the World.

Practical Observations.

The Holy Spirit.

Chapter XVII.

The Lord's Prayer.

Practical Observations.

The Lord's Prayer for Unity.

Chapter XVIII.

The Betrayal.

Practical Observations.

The Trial Before the High Priest.

Practical Observations.

Christ Before Pilate.

Practical Observations.

Chapter XIX.

Christ Crucified.

Practical Observations.

Christ Crucified and Buried.

Practical Observations.

Chapter XX.

The Resurrection.

Proofs of the Resurrection.

Practical Observations.

The Lord Seen by the Apostles.

Chapter XXI.

In Galilee.

Tarry Till I Come.


Dr. Philip Schaff on the Resurrection.

Some Peculiarities of John's Gospel.

Commentaries and Standards on the Birth of Water and Spirit.

Chronological Table of the Life of Christ [from Andrews.]


Index of Scripture References

Navigation and searching hints

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on March 20, 2001.
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