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B. W. Johnson
The People's New Testament (1891)


I. Recorded in one Gospel
The tares Gennesaret xiii. .......... .......... Good and evil in life and judgment.
The hid treasure Gennesaret xiii. .......... .......... Value of Gospel.
The goodly pearl Gennesaret xiii. .......... .......... Christian seeking salvation.
The draw net Gennesaret xiii. .......... .......... Visible Church of Christ.
The unmerciful servant Capernaum xviii. .......... .......... Danger of ingratitude.
The labourers in the vineyard Jerusalem xx. .......... .......... Call at various epochs.
The two sons Jerusalem xxi. .......... .......... Insincerity and repentance.
The marriage of the king's son Mount of Olives xxii. .......... .......... Need of righteousness.
The ten virgins Mount of Olives xxv. .......... .......... Watchful and careless profession.
The ten talents Mount of Olives xxv. .......... .......... Use of advantages.
The sheep and goats Mount of Olives xxv. .......... .......... Final separation of good and bad.
The seed growing secretly Gennesaret .......... iv. .......... Gradual growth of religion.
The householder Gennesaret .......... xiii. ..........  
The two debtors Galilee .......... .......... vii. Gratitude for pardon.
The good Samaritan Jerusalem .......... .......... x. Compassion to suffering.
The friend at midnight Jerusalem .......... .......... xi. Perseverance in prayer.
The rich fool Jerusalem .......... .......... xii. Worldly-mindedness.
The wedding feast Jerusalem .......... .......... xii. Vigilance towards Second Advent.
The wise steward Jerusalem .......... .......... xii. Conscientiousness in trust.
The barren fig tree Jerusalem .......... .......... xiii. Unprofitableness under grace.
The great supper Jerusalem .......... .......... xiv. Universality of Divine call.
The piece of money Jerusalem .......... .......... xv. Joy over penitence.
The prodigal son Jerusalem .......... .......... xv. Fatherly love to penitent son.
The unjust steward Jerusalem .......... .......... xvi. Preparation for eternity.
The rich man and Lazarus Jerusalem .......... .......... xvi. Recompense of future life.
The unprofitable servants Jerusalem .......... .......... xvii. God's claim to all our service.
The unjust judge Jerusalem .......... .......... xviii. Advantage of persevering prayer.
The Pharisee and publican Jerusalem .......... .......... xviii. Self-righteousness and humility.
The pounds Jerusalem .......... .......... xix. Diligence rewarded; sloth punished.
II. Recorded in two Gospels
House on rock and sand Galilee vii. .......... vi. Consistent and false profession.
The leaven Gennesaret xiii. .......... xiii. Pervading influence of religion.
The lost sheep Jerusalem xviii. .......... xv. Joy over penitent.
III. Recorded in three Gospels
New cloth and old garment Capernaum ix. ii. v. New doctrines on old prejudices.
New wine in old bottles Capernaum ix. ii. v. New spirit in unregenerate heart.
The sower Gennesaret xiii. iv. viii. Hearers divided into classes.
The mustard seed Gennesaret xiii. iv. xiii. Spread of Gospel.
The wicked husbandmen Jerusalem xxi. xii. xx. Rejections of Christ by Jews.
The fig tree and all the trees Mount of Olives xxiv. xiii. xxi. Indications of Second Advent.

      N.B.--These miracles and parables are grouped according to their record by the Evangelists; for their chronological position reference must be made to the "Harmony."

[PNTA 12]

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B. W. Johnson
The People's New Testament (1891)

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