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B. W. Johnson
The People's New Testament (1891)



Christ's Law of Divorce.

SUMMARY.--Beyond Jordan En Route to Jerusalem. Dispute with the Pharisees About Divorce. The Law of Moses and That of Christ. Blessing the Little Children. The Rich Young Ruler. The Danger of Riches. Reward of Those Who Forsake All for the Gospel. The Ambitious Mother and Sons. The Baptism of Suffering. Blind Bartimæus Healed.

      1. He arose from thence. From Capernaum. His Galilean ministry was now terminated. He was about to start his last journey to Jerusalem. See notes on Matt. 19:1, 2.

      2-11. The Pharisees came to him. Somewhere on the east of the Jordan, while on his way. For notes on this conversation about marriage and divorce, see Matt. 19:3-13. Compare Luke 16:18. [195]

      12. If a woman shall put away her husband. This was allowed by the Greek and Roman law (1 Cor. 7:13), but not by the Jewish. Christ applies his principles to either sex on the same footing.

      13-16. They brought unto him little children. See notes on Matt. 19:13-15. Compare Luke 18:15-17. See also notes on Matt. 18:3, 4.

      17-22. There came one running. See notes on Matt. 19:16-22. Compare Luke 18:18-22. Mark adds that the young man came "running," and "kneeled" in the way. He alone tells us that "Jesus beholding him loved him." [196]

      23-31. How hardly shall they that have riches. For notes on the Lord's words concerning riches, see Matt. 19:23-30. Compare Luke 18:24-30. Mark adds one sentence that furnishes the key to the interpretation of the whole discourse: "How hard it is for them that trust in riches," etc.

      32-34. They were amazed; . . . they were afraid. For they now distinctly perceived that their Master intended to proceed with the pilgrims to Jerusalem, and they held back in dismay, knowing that his destruction had been determined on by the ruling authorities there. They seemed to hang back as men [197] foreboding peril, and were amazed that their Master should throw himself into such danger. He began to tell them. To their terror lest he should be put to death at Jerusalem, he responded that he was going to die. He had told them at least twice before, but they were unable, as yet, to understand it. See notes on Matt. 20:17-19. Compare Luke 18:31-34.

      35-45. James and John come unto him. For notes on this ambitious request, see Matt. 20:20-28. We learn from Matthew that Salome, the mother, came and spoke for them.

      38. Ye know not what you ask. Prayer is often unwise in its requests from ignorance. Before many days they saw places on his right and left occupied by two robbers on the cross. [198]

      46-51. They came to Jericho. They had now crossed the Jordan into Judea. For Jericho and the healing of the blind man, see notes on Matt. 20:29-34. Compare Luke 18:35-43.

      52. Thy faith hath made thee whole. Bartimæus' faith was shown, (1) by his going to Jesus; (2) by his belief that Jesus was the Messiah; (3) by persevering against opposition; (4) by casting away all that hindered; (5) by obeying Jesus when he was called; (6) by following and praising him after he was cured.

[PNTA 195-199]

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B. W. Johnson
The People's New Testament (1891)

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