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B. W. Johnson
The People's New Testament (1891)


      In the main I have followed that of Dean Howson. The dates for the period after Paul's labors began are reasonably certain, and most critics are substantially agreed. Those of the period from the Ascension to the time when Paul began his labors at Antioch are somewhat uncertain. The Ascension and the founding of the Church on Pentecost must, I think he placed as early as A. D. 30, and this gives a longer interval for the events recorded in the first eleven chapters of Acts. As modified the following are the outlines:

      A. D. 30. The Resurrection, the Ascension, the Gospel first Preached on Pentecost, Holy Spirit Sent, the Church Founded, and the Events Embraced from Acts I. to Acts VI: 8.
      A. D. 37. Conversion of Paul of Tarsus. Acts IX :1-19.
      A. D. 38-40. Period of Paul's Retirement in Arabia.
      A. D. 41-43. The Labors of Peter and the Conversion of the Gentiles Recorded in Chapter IX-XI.
      A. D. 44. Martyrdom of James, and Death of Herod. Acts XII.
      A. D. 45-47. Paul's First Missionary Journey. Acts XIII, XIV.
      A. D. 49 or 50. Council at Jerusalem. Acts XV.
      A. D. 51-53. Paul on His Second Missionary Journey. Acts XV-XVIII.
      A. D. 54-56. Paul at Ephesus, nearly three Years. Acts XIX.
      A. D. 57. Paul a Second Time at Corinth.
      A. D. 58. Paul Goes to Jerusalem, is seized, Imprisoned. Acts XX-XXIII.
      A. D. 59-60. Paul Imprisoned at Cæsarea. His Defence before Festus and Agrippa. Acts XXIII-XXVI.
      A. D. 61. Paul sent to Rome. Shipwrecked. Acts XXVII-XXVIII.
      A. D. 62. Imprisoned at Rome. The End of Acts.

      To this I may add that there is reason to believe that Paul was acquitted and released in A. D. 63, preached in Spain, Greece and Asia, until A. D. 67 or 68, was again seized in Nicopolis in Epirus, taken to Rome a second time, and put to death in A. D. 68. [415]

[PNTA 415]

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B. W. Johnson
The People's New Testament (1891)

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