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B. W. Johnson
The People's New Testament (1891)



Closing Admonitions.

SUMMARY.--A Request for Prayer. A Command to Withdraw from the Disorderly. An Admonition to the Idle. The Salutation with his Own Hand.

      1-5. Pray for us. How often Paul makes this request in his letters! Compare 1 Thess. 5:25; Eph. 6:19; Col. 4:3. That the word of the Lord, etc. He asks no prayers for his own ease, or worldly prosperity, but that he may be helped in his work of the gospel. Have free course. Not be hindered by opposition which might prevent success. When in bonds (2 Tim. 2:9) he rejoiced that the word of the Lord was "not bound." Be glorified. By its powers to save. See Acts 13:48. 2. That we may be delivered. That the wicked may not have power to prevent us from spreading the gospel. He is not moved by a desire to escape such hardships or dangers as these may cause, but by a desire that his work may move right on. All have not faith. In all ages the preaching of the gospel divides those who hear it into two classes, the believers and unbelievers. 3. The Lord is faithful. Men may be unbelievers, and hostile, but the Lord is faithful to every promise, and in spite of evil men will keep you from evil. From the power of the evil one. 4. We have confidence in the Lord. That by the Lord's power and protection ye both do and will do the things" commanded. 5. Patient waiting. "The patience of Christ" (Revision). A patient endurance for Christ.

      6-10. Now we command you. He has (verse 4) expressed a belief that they will readily obey his commands. He now gives one. Brethren. The command is not directed to priest or presbyter, but to the whole church. Compare 1 Cor. 5:4, 5. Withdraw yourselves. Decline to receive as a brother longer. Exclude from fellowship. Every brother that walketh disorderly. This command applies to other disorderly walking also, but has a direct reference here to those who refused to work. Not after the tradition. The instructions received from us. 7. Ye know how ye ought to follow us. For Paul's example in the matter of work at Thessalonica, see 1 Thess. 2:9. He labors for his own support. 9. Not because we have not power. A right to support at your hands, but because we wished to [255] set you an example of industry. 10. We commanded. Even then he gave a command that if any refused to work for their food, they should be refused support by others. He who is able to work, and unwilling, should not be fed.

      11-13. We hear. The word was brought, no doubt, by the messenger who returned to him. Which walk among you disorderly. By doing nothing. It is a sin to be an idler. God requires industry. Busybodies. "The devil finds some mischief, still, for idle hands to do." 12. Now . . . such we command. Such are solemnly commanded in the name of Christ to go to work, to live quiet lives, and to support themselves. The idlers were restless and meddlesome. 13. Be not weary in well doing. Do not get weary of the duties of life, so as to desire an idle life. Discharge all duties faithfully, whether secular or religious.

      14-16. If any man obey not. Whoever does not obey these charges, let him be noted, withdrawn from. See verse 6. He must be made ashamed of his course by seeing that it is repudiated by the church. 15. Yet count him not as an enemy. The object of discipline is to save. Compare 1 Cor. 5:5. Give him kind and brotherly admonition, and let him know the reason for your course. 16. The Lord of peace. Christ, who bestows peace upon all who walk in him.

      17, 18. The salutation of Paul. Here he adds the salutation in his own hand-writing. The Epistle thus far had been written by one to whom he dictated, as was his custom, but he now adds his autograph. This autograph was proof of the genuineness. Their attention is perhaps called to this on account of a spurious epistle (2:2). [256]

[PNTB 255-256]

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B. W. Johnson
The People's New Testament (1891)

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at Calvin College. Last updated on January 30, 1999.
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