[1] `Los nombres de Cristo.' Introduction.

[2] This exceptionally severe legislation, justified by the dangers of the time, only held good for Spain and the Spanish colonies, and has long since been revised. It did not include the Epistles and Gospels, Psalms, Passion, and other parts of the daily service.

[3] Ann de Lobera, born at Medina del Campo, November 25, 1545, was a deaf-mute until her eighth year. When she applied for admission to the Carmelite convent at Avila St. Teresa promised to receive her not so much as a novice, but as her companion and future successor; she took the habit August 1, 1570, and made her profession at Salamanca, October 21, 1571. She became the first prioress of Veas, and was entrusted by St. Teresa with the foundation of Granada (January 1582), where she found St. John of the Cross, who was prior of the convent of The Martyrs (well known to visitors of the Alhambra although no longer a convent). St. John not only became the director and confessor of the convent of nuns, but remained the most faithful helper and the staunchest friend of Mother Ann throughout the heavy trials which marred many years of her life. In 1604 she went to Paris, to found the first convent of her Order in France, and in 1607 she proceeded to Brussels, where she remained until her death, March 4, 1621, The heroic nature of her virtues having been acknowledged, she was declared `Venerable' in 1878, and it is hoped that she will soon be beatified.

4 See `Life of St. Teresa': ed. Baker (London, I904), ch. xiv. 12, xvi. 2, xviii. 10.

5 `Manuel Serrano y Sanz,' Apuntos para una Biblioteca de Escritores españoles. (1903, p. 399).

[6] Cf. Berthold-Ignace de Sainte Anne, `Vie de la Mère Anne de Jésui' (Malines, 1876), I. 343 ff.

[7] On this subject see Fray Eulogio de San José, `Doctorado de Santa Teresa de Jesús y de San Juan de la Cruz.' Córdoba, 1896.

8 [This canticle was made by the Saint when he was in the prison of the Mitigation, in Toledo. It came into the hands of the Venerable Anne of Jesus, at whose request he wrote the following commentary on it, and addressed it to her.]

[9] Wisdom 8:1

[10] Rom. 8:26

[11] Job 14:5

[12] Matt. 7:14

[13] 1 Pet. 4:18

[14] 2 Kings 14:14

[15] Matt. 5:26

[16] Sophon, 1. 12.

[17] Matt. 20:6

[18] John 1:18

[19] Isa. 45:15

[20] Job 9:11

[21] Eccles. 9:1

[22] Cant. 1:6

[23] `Soliloq.,' c. 31. Opp. Ed. Ben. tom. vi. app. p. 98.

[24] Luke 17:21

[25] 2 Cor. 6:16

[26] `Mt. Carmel,' Bk. 2, c. 5. sect. 3.

[27] Matt. 13:44

[28] Matt. 6:6

[29] Isa. 26:20

[30] Prov. 4:23

[31] Isa. 45:3

[32] 1 Cor. 13:10

[33] Exod. 33:22,23

[34] Sect. 4.

[35] Sect. 2.

[36] Ps. 17:12

[37] John 15:7

[38] Judg. 16:15

[39] Ps. 16:15

[40] Rom. 8:23

[41] Cant. 2:9

[42] Ps. 72:21,22

[43] Cant. 3:2, 5:7

[44] Cant. 5:6,7

[45] Tob. 12:12

[46] Deut. 31:21

[47] Exod. 3:7,8

[48] Luke 1:13

[49] Ps. 9:10

[50] Ps. 34:3

[51] Ps. 35:9

[52] Deut. 30:20

[53] Lam. 3:19

[54] Col. 2:3

[55] Rev. 10:9

[56] Deut. 32:33

[57] John 2:3

[58] John 11:3

[59] Luke 11:9

[60] Cant. 3:1

[61] Cant. 3:4

[62] Wisd. 6:13

[63] Ps. 61:11

[64] Ps. 33:20

[65] Ps. 53:5

[66] Job 41:24

[67] Eph. 6:11

[68] Gal. 5:17

[69] Rom. 8:13

[70] Rom. 1:20

[71] Conf. 10. 6.

[72] Ordo commendationis animae.

[73] Heb. 1:3

[74] Gen. 1:31

[75] John 12:32

[76] Ps. 144:16

[77] Cant. 5:8

[78] Cant. 4:9

[79] See `Living Flame,' stanza 3, line 3, sect. 20.

[80] Gen. 30:1

[81] Job 6:8,9

[82] Acts 17:28

[83] John 1:3. The Saint adopts an old punctuation, different from the usual one. He reads thus: `Omnia per Ipsum facta sunt, et sine Ipso factum est nihil: Quod factum est, in Ipso vita erat' (`All things were made by Him, and without Him nothing was made: What was made in Him was life').

[84] Job 7:2-4

[85] John 20:15

[86] Cant. 6:6,7

[87] Ps. 37:11

[88] Tob. 5:12

[89] Rev. 21:23

[90] Zech. 2:8

[91] Isa. 65:24

[92] Prov. 2:4,5

[93] See `Ascent of Mount Carmel,' bk. 2, ch. 5, sect. 3.

[94] Ps. 83:3

[95] Exod. 33:12,13

[96] Exod. 33:20

[97] Stan. vii. sect. 10.

[98] Above, sect. 4.

[99] 2 Cor. 5:4

[100] Phil. 1:23

[101] Judg. 13:22

[102] 1 John 4:18

[103] Ecclus. 41:3

[104] Ps. 115:15

[105] Ps. 33:22

[106] Ecclus. 41:1

[107] Heb. 1:3

[108] Hos. 2:20

[109] John 4:14

[110] John 7:39

[111] Ps. 67:14

[112] Cant. 1:10

[113] 1 Cor. 13:10

[114] Gal. 2:20

[115] Cant. 8:6

[116] Ps. 41:1,2

[117] 1 Chr. 11:18

[118] Cant. 8:6

[119] Job 3:24

[120] Ps. 96:2,3

[121] Ps. 17:12,13

[122] Ps. 138:12

[123] See St. Teresa, `Life,' ch. 20 sect. 16, or `Las Mordadas,' 6. ch. 11.

[124] Sect. 1. above.

[125] Sect. 4. above.

[126] 2 Cor. 12:3

[127] See `Relation' 8.

[128] Sect. 1.

[129] 1 Cor. 13:2

[130] Col. 3:14

[131] 1 Cor. 13:4-7

[132] Gen. 8:9

[133] Gen. 6:21

[134] John 1:3,4. See Stanza viii.

[135] Isa. 66:12

[136] Luke 1:52

[137] Acts 2:2

[138] John 12:29

[139] Ps. 67:34

[140] Rev. 14:2

[141] Ezek. 1:24

[142] Cant. 2:14

[143] 1 Kings 19:12

[144] 2 Cor. 12:4

[145] Job 42:5

[146] Sect. 20.

[147] `De Mystica Theologia,' ch. i.

[148] Cant. 6:4

[149] Job 4:12-16

[150] Isa. 24:16

[151] Stan. xiii. sect. 1.

[152] Dan. 10:16

[153] Ps. 101:8

[154] Rev. 14:2

[155] Wisd. 1:7

[156] Rev. 3:20

[157] Stanza xxvi.

[158] Ps. 33:8

[159] Ps. 62:2

[160] Gal. 5:17

[161] Cant. 6:11

[162] Cant. 2:15

[163] Exod. 34:30

[164] Luke 22:8

[165] Cant. 1:11

[166] Cant. 4:16

[167] Prov. 8:31

[168] Cant. 6:1,2

[169] Bar. 3:10,11

[170] Jer. 2:14,15

[171] Wisd. 9:15

[172] 2 Cor. 12:2-4

[173] Exod. 33:23

[174] 2 Cor. 12:4

[175] Cant. 8:8

[176] Ps. 68:2

[177] Ps. 118:131

[178] Ps. 38:4

[179] Stanza xiii sect. 4; xiv sect. 26.

[180] John 4:14

[181] Cant. 6:9

[182] Prov. 15:15

[183] Phil. 4:7

[184] Cant. 4:12

[185] Cant. 3:5

[186] Luke 15:5,8,9

[187] Cant. 3:11

[188] Gen. 2:24

[189] 1 Cor 6:17

[190] Cant. 5:1

[191] Gal. 2:20

[192] Cant. 8:1

[193] Cant. 2:11,12

[194] Eph. 2:15

[195] Cant. 8:5

[196] Ezek. 16:5-14

[197] Cant. 2:1

[198] Ps. 49:11

[199] Cant. 1:15

[200] Prov. 8:31

[201] Cant. 8:1

[202] Cant. 3:9,10

[203] 1 John 4:18

[204] Cant. 3:7,8

[205] Cant. 4:4

[206] Cant. 1:3

[207] Ps. 118:32

[208] Cant. 5:4

[209] Ps. 38:4

[210] Ecclus. 9:15

[211] Ecclus. 9:14

[212] Cant. 2:6

[213] Ps. 35:9

[214] Rev. 22:1

[215] Isa. 11:3

[216] Luke 2:25. Justus et timoratus.

[217] Cant. 5:6

[218] Cant. 8:2

[219] Cant. 2:4

[220] 1 Cor. 3:19

[221] Prov. 30:1,2

[222] 1 Cor. 2:14

[223] Cant. 6:11

[224] Ps. 72:21,22

[225] Luke 12:37

[226] Isa. 66:12

[227] Cant. 7:10-12

[228] Ps. 61:2,3

[229] Col. 3:14

[230] Matt. 13:44

[231] John 15:15

[232] Ps. 58:10

[233] Cant. 7:13

[234] Luke 10:42

[235] Cant. 3:5

[236] Matt. 10:33

[237] Matt. 6:24

[238] Phil. 1:21

[239] Matt. 16:25

[240] Cant. 6:2

[241] 2 Cor 12:9

[242] Ps. 44:10

[243] James 1:17

[244] Cant. 1:3

[245] Cant. 3:11

[246] Col. 3:14

[247] Job 41:6,7

[248] Cant. 7:1

[249] Cant. 6:3

[250] Cant. 2:5

[251] Cant. 2:1

[252] Col. 3:14

[253] 1 Kings 18:1

[254] `Dark Night,' Bk. 1, ch. 14.

[255] Stanza ii. sect. 26 ff.

[256] 1 John 4:10

[257] Cant. 4:9

[258] John 1:16

[259] Ezek. 18:22

[260] Nahum 1:9

[261] Ecclus. 5:5

[262] Ps. 15:4

[263] John 1:16

[264] Exod. 33:12,13

[265] Isa. 43:4

[266] Cant. 1:4

[267] Antiphon in Vesper B. M. V.

[268] Matt. 13:12

[269] Matt. 25:28

[270] Sect. 7.

[271] Isa. 43:3

[272] Esth. 6:11

[273] Cant. 4:1, 6:3

[274] Cant. 4:1

[275] Cant. 2:3

[276] Hos. 2:14

[277] Ps. 83:4

[278] Rom. 8:14

[279] Tob. 14:4

[280] Isa. 58:10-14

[281] John 17:10

[282] St. Augustine, `De Genesi ad Litt.' iv., xxiv. (and elsewhere) and the scholastics (St. Thomas, `S. Th.' I. lviii. 7) distinguish between the `morning knowledge' whereby angels and saints know created things by seeing the Divine Word, and `evening knowledge' where they derive their knowledge from the created things themselves.

[283] Isa. 2:3

[284] Isa. 2:2

[285] Cant. 4:6

[286] Ps. 67:16

[287] Rom. 11:33

[288] Ps. 18:10-12

[289] Job 6:8-10

[290] Eph. 3:17-19

[291] John 17:3

[292] 1 Cor. 10:4

[293] Col. 2:3

[294] Exod. 33:20-23

[295] Cant. 2:13,14

[296] Cant. 5:14

[297] Cant. 8:2

[298] 1 Cor. 13:12

[299] `Opusc de Beatitudine,' ch. 2.

[300] 1 Cor. 2:9

[301] Isa. 64:4

[302] Rev. 2:7

[303] Rev. 2:10

[304] Rev. 2:17

[305] Rev. 2:26-28

[306] Rev. 3:5

[307] Rev. 3:12

[308] Rev. 3:21,22

[309] Ps. 30:20

[310] Ps. 35:9

[311] Ps. 20:4

[312] Job 4:2

[313] Gal. 4:6

[314] John 1:12

[315] John 17:24

[316] John 17:20-23

[317] 2 Pet. 1:2-4

[318] Cant. 2:10-12

[319] Cant. 2:13,14

[320] Stanza xxxvii. sect. 5.

[321] Stanza xxxviii. sect. 6.

[322] Cant. 2:14

[323] Ps. 138:11

[324] Deut. 4:24

[325] Wisd. 9:15

[326] Cant. 3:6; 8:5

[327] Ps. 83:3

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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