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To Each according to his Ability
‘The kingdom of heaven is as when a man, going into another country, called his own servants, and delivered them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one; to each according to his several ability.’—Matt. 25:14.
In the parable of the talents we have a most instructive summary of our Lord’s teaching in regard to the work He has given to His servants to do. He tells us of His going to heaven and leaving His work on earth to the care of His Church; of His giving every one something to do, however different the gifts might be; of His expecting to get back His money with interest; of the failure of him who had received least; and of what it was that led to that terrible neglect.
‘He called his own servants and
delivered unto them his goods, and went on his
journey.’ is literally what our Lord
did. He went to heaven, leaving His work with all His goods to the
care of His Church.
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‘Unto one he gave five talents,
to another two, to another one; to each according to his several
ability.’ Though there was a
difference in the measure, every one received a portion of the
master’s goods. It is in connection with the service we are to
render to each other that we read of ‘the grace given to each of
us according to the measure of the gift of Christ.’ This truth,
that every believer without exception has been set apart to take
an active part in the work of winning the world for Christ, has
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‘After a long time the lord of
those servants cometh and maketh a reckoning with
them.’ Christ keeps watch over the
work He has left to be done on earth; His kingdom and glory depend
upon it. He will not only hold reckoning when He comes again to
judge, but comes unceasingly to inquire of His servants as to their
welfare and work. He comes to approve and encourage, to correct and
warn. By His word and Spirit He asks us to say whether we are using
our talents diligently, and, as His devoted servants, living only
and entirely for His work. Some He finds labouring diligently, and
to them He frequently says: ‘Enter into the joy of thy Lord.’
Others He sees discouraged, and them He inspires with new hope.
Some He finds working in their own strength; these He reproves.
Still others
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‘Lord, I was afraid and hid thy talent in the earth.’ That the man of the one talent should have been the one to fail, and to be so severely punished is a lesson of deep solemnity. It calls the Church to beware lest, by neglecting to teach the feebler ones, the one-talent men, that their service, too, is needed, she allow them to let their gifts lie unused. In teaching the great truth that every branch is to bear fruit, special stress must be laid on the danger of thinking that this can only be expected of the strong and advanced Christian. When Truth reigns in a school, the most backward pupil has the same attention as the more clever. Care must be taken that the feeblest Christians receive special training, so that they, too, may joyfully have their share in the service of their Lord and all the blessedness it brings. If Christ’s work is to be done, not one can be missed.
‘Lord, I knew that thou art a
hard man, and I was afraid.’ Wrong
thoughts of God, looking upon His service as that of a
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