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Greater Works
Verily, verily, I say unto You, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works shall he do; because I go unto the Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in My name, that will I do.’—John 14:12-14.
In the words (ver. 10) ‘The Father abiding in Me doeth the works,’ Christ had revealed the secret of His and of all Divine service—man yielding himself for God to dwell and to work in him. When Christ now promises, ‘He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also,’ the law of the Divine inworking remains unchanged. In us, as much as in Him, one might even say a thousand times more than with Him, it must still ever be: The Father in me doeth the works. With Christ and with us, it is ‘the same God who worketh all in all.’
How this is to be, is taught us in
the words, ‘He that believeth on Me.’ That
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This becomes still more clear from
what our Lord adds: ‘And greater works shall he do; because I go
unto the Father.’ What the greater works are, is evident. The
disciples at Pentecost with three thousand baptized, and multitudes
added to the Lord; Philip at Samaria, with the whole city filled
with joy; the men of Cyprus and Cyrene, and, later on, Barnabas at
Antioch, with much people added to the Lord; Paul in his travels,
and a countless host of Christ’s servants down to our day, have
in the ingathering of souls, done what the Master condescendingly
calls greater works than
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The reason why it should be so our Lord makes plain, ‘Because I go to the Father.’ When He entered the glory of the Father, all power in heaven and on earth was given to Him as our Redeemer. In a way more glorious than ever the Father was to work through Him; and He then to work through His disciples. Even as His own work on earth ‘in the days of the weakness of the flesh, had been in a power received from the Father in heaven, so His people, in their weakness, would do works like His, and greater works in the same way, through a power received from heaven. The law of the Divine working is unchangeable: God’s work can only be done by God Himself. It is as we see this in Christ, and receive Him in this capacity, as the One in and through whom God works all, and so yield ourselves wholly to the Father working in Him and in us,’ that we shall do greater works than He did.
The words that follow bring out
still more strongly the great truths we have been learning, that it
is our Lord Himself who will work all in us, even as the Father did
in Him, and that our posture is to be exactly what His was, one of
entire receptivity and dependence. ‘Greater works
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Let every believer strive to learn
the one blessed lesson. I am to do the works I have seen Christ
doing; I may even do
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1. How was Christ able to work the works of God? By God abiding in Him! How can I do the works of Christ? By Christ abiding in me!
2. How can I do greater works than Christ? By believing, not only in Christ, the Incarnate and Crucified, but Christ triumphant on the throne.
3. In work everything depends, O believer, on the life, the inner life, the Divine life. Pray to realise that work is vain except as it is in ‘the power of the Holy Spirit’ dwelling in thee.