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Created in Christ Jesus for Good Works
‘By grace have ye been saved through faith; not of works, lest any man should glory. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.’—Eph. 2:8-10.
We have been saved, not of
works, but for good works. How vast the difference. How
essential the apprehension of that difference to the health of the
Christian life. Not of works which we have done, as the
source whence salvation comes, have we been saved. And yet
for good works, as the fruit and outcome of salvation, as part
of God’s work in us, the one thing for which we have been created
anew. As worthless as are our works in procuring salvation, so
infinite is their worth as that for which God has created and
prepared us. Let us seek to hold these two truths in their fulness
of spiritual meaning. The deeper our conviction that we have been
saved, not of works, but of grace, the
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‘Not of works, for ye are God’s workmanship.’ If works could have saved us, there was no need for our redemption. Because our works were all sinful and vain, God undertook to make us anew—we are now His workmanship, and all the good works we do are His workmanship too. ‘His workmanship, created us anew in Christ Jesus.’ So complete had been the ruin of sin, that God had to do the work of creation over again in Christ Jesus. In Him, and specially in His resurrection from the dead, He created us anew, after His own image, into the likeness of the life which Christ had lived. In the power of that life and resurrection, we are able, we are perfectly fitted, for doing good works. As the eye, because it was created for the light, is most perfectly adapted for its work, as the vine-branch, because it was created to bear grapes, does its work so naturally, we who have been created in Christ Jesus for good work, may rest assured that a Divine capacity for good works is the very law of our being. If we but know and believe in this our destiny, if we but live our life in Christ Jesus, as we were new created in Him, we can, we will, be fruitful unto every good work.
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‘Created for good works, which God hath afore prepared that we should walk in them.’ We have been prepared for the works, and the works prepared for us. To understand this, think of how God foreordained His servants of old, Moses and Joshua, Samuel and David, Peter and Paul, for the work He had for them, and foreordained equally the works for them. The feeblest member of the body is equally cared for by the Head as the most honoured The Father has prepared for the humblest of His children their works as much as for those who are counted chief. For every child God has a life-plan, with work apportioned just according to the power, and grace provided just according to the work. And so just as strong and clear as the teaching, salvation not of works, is its blessed counterpart, salvation for good works, because God created us for them, and even prepared them for us.
And so the Scripture confirms the
double lesson this little book desires to bring you. The one, that
good works are God’s object in the new life He has given you, and
ought therefore to be as distinctly your object. As every human
being was created for work, and endowed with the needful powers,
and can only live out a true and healthy life by working, so every
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The other lesson—that waiting on
God is the one great thing needed on our part if we would do the
good works God has prepared for us. Let us take up into our hearts
these words in their Divine meaning: We are God’s
workmanship. ‘Not by one act in the past, but in a continuous
operation. We are created for good works, as the great means for
glorifying God. The good works are prepared for each of us, that we
might walk in them. Surrender to and dependence upon God’s
working is our one need. Let us consider how our new creation for
good works is all in Christ Jesus, and abiding in Him,
believing on Him, and looking for His strength
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Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to work the word into the very depths of our consciousness: Created in Christ Jesus for good works! In its light we shall learn what a glorious destiny, what an infinite obligation, what a perfect capacity is ours.
1. Our creation in Adam was for good works. It resulted in entire failure. Our new creation in Christ is for good works again. But with this difference: perfect provision has been made for securing them.
2. Created by God for good works; created by God in Christ Jesus; the good works prepared by God for us—let us pray for the Holy Spirit to show us and impart to us all this means.
3. Let the life in fellowship with God be true; the power for the work will be sure. As the life, so the work.