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Faith working by Love
‘In Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith working through love. Through love be servants one to another; for the whole law is fulfilled in this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.’—Gal. 5:6, 13.
In Christ Jesus no external privilege avails. The Jew might boast of his circumcision, the token of God’s covenant. The Gentile might boast of his uncircumcision, with an entrance into the Kingdom free from the Jewish law. Neither availed aught in the Kingdom of heaven—nothing but, as we have it in 6:15, a new creature, in which old things are passed away and all things become new. Or, as we have it in our text—as a description of the life of the new creature—nothing but faith working by love, that makes us in love serve one another.
What a perfect description of the
new life. First you have faith, as the root, planted and rooted in
Christ Jesus. Then
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We have here to study specially the great truth that all work is to be love, that faith cannot do its work but through love, that no works can have any worth but as they come of love, and that love alone is the sufficient strength for all the work we have to do.
The power for work is
love.—It was love that moved God to
all His work in creation and redemption. It was love that enabled
Christ as man to work and to suffer as He did. It is love that can
inspire us with the power of a self-sacrifice that seeks not its
own, but is ready to live and die for others. It is love that gives
us the patience that refuses to give up the unthankful or
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The power for love is faith.—Faith roots its life in the life of Christ Jesus, which is all love. Faith knows, even when we cannot realise fully, the wonderful gift that has been given into our heart in the Holy Spirit shedding abroad God’s love there. A spring in the earth may often be hidden or stopped up. Until. it is opened the fountain cannot flow out. Faith knows that there is a fountain of love within that can spring up into eternal life, that can flow out as rivers of living waters. It assures us that we can love, that we have a Divine power to love within us, as an unalienable endowment of our new nature.
The power to exercise and show
love is work.—There is no such thing
as power in the abstract; it only acts as it is exercised. Power in
repose cannot be found or felt. This is specially true of the
Christian graces, hidden as they are amid the weakness of our human
nature. It is only by doing that you know that you have; a grace
must be acted ere we can rejoice in its possession. This is the
unspeakable blessedness of work, and makes it so essential
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Faith working by love.—In Christ Jesus nothing avails but this. Workers for God! believe this. Practise it. Thank God much for the fountain of eternal love opened within you. Pray fervently and frequently that God may strengthen you with might by the power of His Spirit in your inner man, so that, with Christ dwelling in you, you may be rooted and grounded in love. And live then, your daily life, in your own home, in all your intercourse with men, in all your work, as a life of Divine love. The ways of love are so gentle and heavenly, you may not learn them all at once. But be of good courage, only believe in the power that worketh in you, and yield yourself to the work of love: it will surely gain the victory.
Faith working by love.—In Christ Jesus nothing avails but this. Let me press home this message, too, on those who have never yet or only just begun to think of working for God. Come and listen.
You owe everything to God’s love.
The salvation you have received is all love. God’s one desire is
to fill you with His love. For His own satisfaction, for
your own happiness, for the saving of men. Now, I
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1. ‘Faith, Hope, Love: the greatest of these is Love.’ There is no faith or hope in God. But God is love. The most Godlike thing is love.
2. Love is the nature of God. When it is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit love becomes our new nature. Believe this, give yourself over to it, and act it out.
3. Love is God’s power to do His work. Love was Christ’s power. To work for God pray earnestly to be filled with love to souls!