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According to the Working of each several Part
‘That we may grow up in all things into Him, which is the Head, even Christ; from whom all the body fitly framed and knit together through that which every joint together supplieth, according to the working in due measure of each several part, maketh the increase of the body unto the building up of itself in love.’—Eph. 4:15, 16.
The Apostle is here speaking of the
growth, the increase, the building up of the body. This growth and
increase has, as we have seen, a double reference. It includes both
the spiritual uniting and strengthening of those who are already
members, so as to secure the health of the whole body; and also the
increase of the body by the addition of all who are as yet outside
of it, and are to be gathered in. Of the former we spoke in the
previous chapter—the mutual interdependence of all believers, and
the calling to care for each other’s welfare. In this chapter we
look at the growth from the other side—the calling
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Think of the body of a child; how does it reach the stature of a full-grown man? In no other way but by the working in due measure of every part. As each member takes its part, by the work it does in seeking and taking and assimilating food, the increase is made by its building up itself. Not from without, but from within, comes the work that assures the growth. In no other way can Christ’s body attain to the stature of the fulness of Christ. As it is unto Christ the Head we grow up, and from Christ the Head that the body maketh increase of itself, so it is all through that which every joint supplieth, according to the working in due measure of each several part. Let us see what this implies.
The body of Christ is to consist of
all who believe in Him throughout the world. There is no possible
way in which these members of the body can be gathered in, but by
the body building itself tip in love. Our Lord has made Himself, as
Head, absolutely dependent on His members to do
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What is it that is needed to bring
the Church to accept this calling, and to train and help the
members of the body to know and fulfil it? One thing. We must see
that the new birth and faith, that all insight into truth, with all
resolve and surrender and effort to live according to it, is only a
preparation for our true work. What is needed is that in every
believer Jesus Christ be so formed, so dwell in the heart, that His
life in us shall be the impulse and inspiration of our love to the
whole body, and our life for it. It is because self occupies the
heart that it is so easy and natural and
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Let us sum up. For the great work the Head is doing in gathering in from throughout the world and building up His body, He is entirely dependent on the service of the members. Not only our Lord, but a perishing world is waiting and calling for the Church to awake and give herself wholly to this work—the perfecting of the number of Christ’s members. Every believer, the very feeblest, must learn to know his calling—to live with this as the main object of this existence. This great truth will be revealed to us in power, and obtain the mastery, as we give ourselves to the work of ministering according to the grace we already have. We may confidently wait for the full revelation of Christ in its as the power to do all He asks of its.