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Furnished completely unto every Good Work
‘Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth.’—2 Tim. 2:15.
‘Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work.’—2 Tim. 3:16, 17.
A workman that needeth not to be
ashamed is one who is not afraid to have the master come and
inspect his work. In hearty devotion to it, in thoroughness and
skill, he presents himself approved to him who employs him. God’s
workers are to give diligence to present themselves approved to
Him; to have their work worthy of Him unto all well-pleasing. They
are to be as a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. A workman is
one who knows his work, who gives himself wholly to it, who is
known as a working man, who takes delight in doing his work well.
Such every
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‘Handling aright the word of
truth.’ The word is a seed, a fire, a
hammer, a sword, is bread, is light. Workmen in any of these
spheres can be our example. In work for God everything depends upon
handling the word aright. Therefore it is that, in the second text
quoted above, the personal subjection to the word, and the
experience of its power, is spoken of as the one means of our being
completely furnished to every good work. God’s workers must know
that the Scripture is inspired of God, and has the life and
life-giving power of God in it. Inspired is Spirit-breathed—the
life in a seed, God’s Holy Spirit is in the word. The Spirit in
the word and the Spirit in our heart is One. As by the power of the
Spirit within us we take the Spirit-filled word we become spiritual
men. This word is given for teaching, the revelation of the
thoughts of God; for reproof, the discovery of our sins and
mistakes; for correction, the removal of what is defective
to be replaced by what is right and good; for instruction which
is in righteousness, the communication of all the knowledge
needed to walk before God in His ways.
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‘That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly furnished unto every good work.’ In our previous meditation we learnt bow in the cleansing and sanctification of the personal life the worker becomes a vessel meet for the Masters use, prepared unto every good work. Here we learn the same lesson—it is the man of God who allows God’s word to do its work of reproving and correcting and instructing in his own life who will be complete, completely furnished unto every good work. Complete equipment and readiness for every good work—that is what every worker for God must aim at.
If any worker, conscious of how
defective his preparation is, ask how this complete furnishing for
every good work is to be attained, the analogy of an earthly
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The second thing he will speak of will be patient training and exercise. Proficiency only comes through painstaking effort. You may feel as if you know not how or what to work aright. Fear not—all learning begins with ignorance and mistakes. Be of good courage. He who has endowed human nature with the wonderful power that has filled the world with such skilled and cunning workmen, will He not much more give His children the grace they need to be His fellow-workers? Let the necessity that is laid upon you—the necessity that you should glorify God, that you should bless the world, that you should through work ennoble and perfect your life and blessedness, urge you to give immediate and continual diligence to be a workman completely furnished unto every good work.
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It is only in doing we learn to do aright. Begin working under Christ’s training; He will perfect His work in you, and so fit you for your work for him.
1. The work God is doing, and seeking to have done in the world, is to win it back to Himself.
2. In this work every believer is expected to take part.
3. God wants us to be skilled workmen, who give our whole heart to His work, and delight in it.
4. God does His work by working in us, inspiring and strengthening us to do His work.
5. What God asks is a heart and life devoted to Him in surrender and faith.
6. As God’s work is all love, love is the power that works in us, inspiring our efforts and conquering its object.