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Ready to every Good Work
‘Put them in mind to be ready to every good work.’—Tit. 3:1.
‘Put them in mind.’ The words suggest the need of believers to have the truths of their calling to good works ever again set before them. A healthy tree spontaneously bears its fruit. Even where the life of the believer is in perfect health, Scripture teaches us how its growth and fruitfulness only come through teaching, and the influence that exerts on mind and will and heart. For all who have charge of others the need is great of Divine wisdom and faithfulness to teach and train all Christians, specially young and feeble Christians, to be ready to every good work. Let us consider some of the chief points of such training.
Teach them clearly what good
works are. Lay the foundation in the
will of God, as revealed in the law, and show them how integrity
and righteousness and obedience
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Teach them what an essential part
of the Christian life good works are.
They are not, as many think, a secondary element in the salvation
which God gives. They are not merely to be done in token of our
gratitude, or as a proof of the sincerity of our faith, or as a
preparation for heaven. They are all this, but they are a great
deal more. They are the very object for which we have been
redeemed: we have been created anew unto good works. They alone are
the evidence that man has been restored to his original destiny of
working as God Works, and with God, and because God works through
him. God has no higher glory than His works, and specially His work
of saving love. In becoming imitators of God, and walking and
working in love, even as Christ loved us and gave Himself for
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Teach them, too, what a rich
reward they bring. All labour has its
market value. From the poor man who scarce can earn a shilling a
day, to the man who has made his millions, the thought of the
reward there is for labour has been one of the great incentives to
undertake it. Christ appeals to this feeling when He says, ‘Great
shall be your reward.’ Let Christians understand that there is no
service where the reward is so rich as that of God. Work is
bracing, work is strength, and cultivates the sense of mastery and
conquest. Work wakens enthusiasm and calls out a man’s noblest
qualities. In a life of good works the Christian becomes conscious
of his Divine ministry of dispensing the life and grace of God to
others. They bring us into closer union with God. There is no
higher fellowship with God than fellowship in His saving work of
love. It brings us into sympathy with Him and His purposes; it
fills us with His love; it secures His approval. And great is the
reward, too, on those around us. When others are won to
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And now the chief thing. Teach
them to believe that it is possible for each of us to abound in
good works. Nothing is so fatal to successful effort as
discouragement or despondency. Nothing is more a frequent cause of
neglect of good works than the fear that we have not the power to
perform them. Put them in mind of the power of the Holy Spirit
dwelling in them. Show them that God’s promise and provision of
strength is always equal to what He demands; that there is always
grace sufficient for all the good works to which we are called.
Strive to waken in them a faith in ‘the power that worketh in
us,’ and in the fulness of that life which can flow out as rivers
of living water. Train them to begin at once their service of love.
Lead them to see how it is all God working in them, and to offer
themselves as empty vessels to be filled with His love and grace.
And teach them that as they are faithful in a little, even amid
mistakes and shortcomings, the acting out of the life will
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God grant that the teachers of the Church may be faithful to its commission in regard to all her members—‘Put them in mind to be ready for every good work.’ Not only teach them, but train them. Show them the work there is to be done by them; see that they do it; encourage and help them to do it hopefully. There is no part of the office of a pastor more important or more sacred than this, or fraught with richer blessing. Let the aim be nothing less than to lead every believer to live entirely devoted to the work of God in winning men to Him. What a change it would make in the Church and the world!
1. Get a firm hold of the great root-principle. Every believer, every member of Christ’s body, has his place in the body solely for the welfare of the whole body.
2. Pastors have been given for the perfecting of the saints with the work of ministering, of serving in love.
3. In ministers and members of the churches, Christ will work mightily if they will wait upon Him.